Bath duty with baby Liam. And movie night

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Louis: 23
Harry: 20
Niall: 17
Liam: 3

Niall's POV

I failed my test. Harry said "Your on Liam's bath time duty tonight Ni." I looked at my baby brother. Who giggled. I said "Come here Li." Liam giggled "No." I chased him. Liam stuck his tongue out at me. I said "Got you." Harry said after dinner "Good luck." I said "I hate you." I took Liam. I undressed him. I put him sitting down. Liam kept splashing. I said "Li stop." Liam giggled "Never." I said "Haz! He's not staying still!" Harry laughed and said "I can't do anything about it!" I huffed. I said "I hate you." I finally got Liam cleaned. I was soaked. But hey he's clean! Harry came in. I said "Help me now?" Harry grabbed Liam's fluffy towel. I let out what's left of the water. Harry lifted Liam up. Wrapped the towel around him. Louis said "LiLi." I said "I'm getting changed because that little rascal got me soaked." Liam giggled. I kissed his head. I got changed. I sat down with my older brothers and baby brother. Louis said "Next time don't fail or you won't be on bath duty NiNi." Liam sung "NiNi. I love NiNi." I said "I love you too baby."

Harry's POV

Niall Louis and Liam fell asleep in the middle of the movie. Liam's head in Louis's lap. His little legs on Niall. Louis's head of the corner of the couch. Same with Niall. Liam looks more comfortable than all three of them. I covered all of them up. I smiled. I placed Liam's pacifier in his mouth. Liam gladly took it. I went up to my room. And fell asleep.

Not long but hey I updated 😂😂

Liam's adorable.

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