Chapter 8

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I was so excited I would get to hang out with Brendan with out people like Kayla ruining it . I walked to the bathroom and turned on  Spotify, After I went to my closet and got some black leggings and a my space pig shirt that says moon pigs love moon figs,  I took a quick shower and dried my hair. After I got dressed, put my makeup on, and straighten my hair. I got some food and watched some TV. then I called Brendan and  told him i'll be over in a few and then I hung up. I walked to my room and put my vans on and sprayed some perfume. 

I told my mom i'll be back later and left the house. I started to walk then I got a text so I looked at my phone and it was a text from Logan I ignored it then he texted me again so I looked at the message. Logan: hey bitch.  me: what do you want Logan!  Logan: look behind you. So I turned around and saw Logan and Kayla standing there I told them to leave me alone. Then Kayla says "Or what you going to get your boyfriend on me."  After she said that her and Logan started to throw mud and rocks at me. I started running  and they just stood there and laugh I got to Brendan's house and was crying he must of herd me cause he runs out side and ask me who did this to me so I told him. he took me to his room and gave me one of his shirts and told me to get clean showing me to the bathroom. 

I walked to the bath room and cleaned the mud off and put his shirt on it was so big on me it could be a dress my pants had mud all over them so I took them off when I walked back to his room he was siting there and had a smile on his face. he looked at me and said well now your Winnie the pooh. I laughed and sat beside him he hugged me and said you look great. So after about a hour of talking and all that other romantic stuff it started to get dark so I put my other clothes back on and said good bye to his parents then  Brendan said he was going to walk me home so we started walking and he grabbed my hand. I got a new message from Logan again and Brendan saw it Logan: look now you have your boyfriend to protect you. We stopped walking and Brendan looked around then Logan and Kayla walked out from the woods. me and Brendan stood there and looked at them then Kayla started talking "well, well, well, look what we have here, little destiny and her stupid little boyfriend." I looked at her and I said "go away Kayla" before Brendan could say anything. He held my hand tight and started walking away from them. Logan walks up behind him and pulls his shoulder making us stop and says "were you thinking your going are you scared?" Brendan turns around and punches Logan in his jaw making him fall to the ground.


That the end of chapter 8 sorry for taking so long

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jul 05, 2016 ⏰

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