Chapter 7

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I turn to look at Brendan and he leans close to me and his lips hover over my lips before he kisses me and I kiss back.Then I turn around and I look at my friends while Brendan's hands are around my waist and then Julie almost screams " watch them hands boy." We all giggle.  Brendan comes beside me and holds my hand. Then my friends walk one way and me and my prince walk to the bus. We take our sets and he put his arm around my waist. We were talking when Kayla walked up to us and looked at Brendan and said "you really have bad taste in girls like look at her she is so ugly."  Then Brendan says "how about you shut the fuck up and go sit down cause you have no room to talk little bitch."  Then she walked away and sat down. I turn and look at Brendan and say, "thank you baby boy i love you but she is right I am ugly." Then he reply's with "no your not baby girl your perfect." Then he kisses me on the cheek.I smile and I sit there and I pulled my phone out and get my headphones out then starts playing five finger death punch Jekyll and Hyde. Then I put one head phone in my ear and give the other one to Brendan. This song is the best and so I start to sing Brendan takes his headphone out but I did not notice and he listen to me sing then the song was over and I look at him and he had a smile and says that I sing great. I blush and said thanks.  

It gets to his stop and he gits of then it was my turn to get of the bus. Right when I got of I got a text it was Brendan he said I miss you already baby girl. I reply with I miss you to my prince with a love emoji then I put my phone in my back pocket and walked in the house my mom asked how my day was so of course I reply with it was great mom and I when to my room and changed into my black fuzzy pajama pants and a red tank top. Then Brendan calls and we talk for awhile then my mom walks in and tells me supper is done I tell my boo i'll talk to him latter and go in to the kitchen and I almost died we were having tacos my favorite if I could eat one thing for the rest of my life it would be tacos like you can put a lot of different things in tacos any ways I make my tacos and and eat them I go to my room and call Brendan and we talked for hours and then I went to bed. I woke up to my hubby's ringtone I answer and say hello he reply's and says your sleepy voice is sexy baby and I could not help but blush I asked him what he was going to do today and he said nothing then he asked me if i wanted to come over and I said hell yea boo then I said that I will be there in a like an hour. Then we hung up with a smile.

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