Time is up

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This chapter was suppose to be written by Markie_Fangirl after I given away one of my ideas to her on Twitter not long ago but, instead she wants me to write it up and has already claimed it'll be a good one.

"Come on Jase, we are gonna have to tell 'em, one day about this secret." It's a Thursday morning on a warm July 7th, the lads are in Los Angeles for six weeks of production to start recording up the vocals for their 9th studio album after reuniting at the start of the year to talk things through bout anniversary tour plans. Gary and Jason are the first ones in the studio as they have been meeting up in secret to discuss when is the perfect time to tell the other lads bout their big secrets as it has left Gary to have sleepless nights over revealing it since he thinks it'll hurt them especially Markie who has been through thick and thin with all of the lads.

"Don't worry Gaz, when the time is right then, we will tell them bout our massive secret. What's the worst that could happen to us anyway?" Jason grabs his friend from worrying too death over what everyone is gonna be saying after they have announced the news out, Gary has never been worried bout anything but, telling his friends that he and Jason are doing something secretive behind their backs will either break or make their friendship and he will start dwell on all of the possibility that could go wrong during the big reveal.

"Oh I don't know Jase. Us losing our places in the band, Mark going bloody mad at us for not revealing this secrets years ago, Nigel firing or sacking us, stop us doing what we love to do best, forbid you to communicate with me or the other way round.............." Gary is sitting on the  garden wall outside since it's too hot to sit inside the studio and become sweaty as he starts to list all of the reason of what will go wrong for them both, he starts to pant for air and holds his chest like he's going to have a heart attach in a second during to not breathing whilst he list off his reasons.

"Breath Gaz. None of that is going to happen to us, okay, trust me as we are going to be alright." Jason starts to pat hard on Gary's back to try and make him breath properly again without losing the ability to breath, he grabs Gary's soft hands tightly so he can understand that he is going to be right bout what is going to happen when the others arrive for the outdoor session.

Before Gary gets the chance to speak again, he leans over the grey, small garden wall to witness their three other best friends walking together with a section of brand new gifts in their hands from going on a spending spree to exchange with one another before leaving here to go back home with a brand new album finished for the fans to listen too. He gives out a small giggle that he sees Mark skipping around the pavements like a little boy with his parents are having a gossip over what they are going to be doing after the album is finished or when are they gonna be back together again for promotion time.

"Aye up lads, hot day isn't it?" Jason decides to focus on the album being finished and up to date before going ahead with the plan that he wanted to tell Gary before the others arrived since it didn't get the chance yet he grabs his guitar from inside his very own traveling case to start strumming chords out for a song and ignores the world around him, whilst Gary greets the other lads that are running fraternity up the stairs onto the rooftop for the studio session and puts his tinned sunglasses onto block out the harsh sun rays that are beaming stronger into his eyes.

"You could say that Gary. Jase, mate, haven't seen you in while how are you doing?" Howard high fives Gary's hand after dropping off the gifts downstairs for when they are going back to Robbie's house to play football, he walks over to Jason who isn't interested in anything else apart from the music he makes with his brothers and when he can talk to Gary alone in secret, as Jay takes one look up at Howard he nods his head slowly in time with strumming from his guitar as he is lost within the music like always.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2016 ⏰

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