The Mask pt 1 EDITED

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Thea's POV

It was the night, the night of the party. I decided that tonight won't just be the night of the party it would be the day I escape. I know they've been okay towards me but I really want to get back to my old life. The life where I would be sitting under the oak tree at school and where I would be comforted by my best friends. Instead I've been stuck in a house full of dogs, they said they would keep me safe but all I've done is get hurt.

So this was it this was the night.

*** 2 hours later***

There was a loud knock on the door and then it slowly opened. "Autumn?"I question her.

"Hey arm I'm here to do your make up."She replied politely.I give her a nod in response.It took her about an hour to do my hair and make up. It was worth it though I looked like a, well I'm not being full of myself but I actually looked pretty.

After I thanked Autumn I went into the bathroom and slipped on the dress I had bought two days before. When I was happy with my appearance I brushed myself off and walked out blushing when I noticed that Jamie and Liam were both in my room. It wasn't because they were in my room it was because they were silent and staring at me.

"Have I got something on my dress?Wait no whats wrong with my face am I orange?"I say in panic but Liam cuts me off.

"Look, I'm gay but to be honest your the only girl who could make me straight."That made reddens erupt from my cheeks.

"Let's go!"Jamie said and we all left the room.

"Wait I forgot my clutch!You guys go ahead I'll meet you down there."I say to the two of them. They nod and continue walking.

I run in and grab it I look in the mirror one pice of my hair had fallen out in front of me and It made me laugh, I will never be perfect.

I walk out the room with my silver clutch.

When I reach the top of the stairs all eyes are on me. Including Drew's. I walk down feeling like a princess when I reach Drew he just smirks..

"Can you pin my hair back please?".

"No"He replies which makes my face drop.

 "Because it's horrible to be perfect and that imperfection makes you look more like a girl instead of an angle."This made me blush immensely.

"Oh!" I reply not so sure what to say about this response. We proceed out side to the limo I get in one door and he gets in another when he comes in the limo he just smiles at me. So I smile back not knowing what else to respond with. After our smiles we sit in silence while a few more people enter the limo. Then the noise is really loud. The only people who weren't  speaking were me and drew, we were just quite. I don't know if I should still leave....

Drews POV
While we're in the limo I couldn't help but stare at her. She looked amazing tonight and when she asked me to fix her hair I didn't say no because I wanted her to look normal I said no to show myself that she's real. This is real.And I'm messing it up because I know this is wrong.

Thea's POV
While we're sitting in the limo Drew kept staring at me. I mean it was a little weird it felt like I had something wrong with me. I didn't did I ?

Jamie's POV
The limo ride was okay, I guess. Apart from the fact that Alpha Drew wouldn't stop staring at Thea. Then again neither could I , she looked stunning.

Liam's POV
The limo was soooo weird everyone was looking at Thea , yeah she looked hot but she's no changing Tatum! Ooo I wounded if he's at the ball, I could maybe get a dance.

Thea's POV
The limo came to a stop and when I looked out the window we in front of a big fancy house it looked amazing , a real gastby party. When I turned my attention back to the car they were all reaching for there pockets and they all pulled out black masks and put them on . 

What was this  Masquerade party ???

All a sudden Liam passed me a mask. It was beautiful.
" let's go!" Liam said grabbing my hand as he lead me into the party.
I was still nervous from the last party I went to it was a close one I could of died. I didn't feel safe with Liam well not the type of safe I felt when I was with Drew anyway.

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