school day

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"Ugh", I made when the bright light shone into my eyes. "Is it morning yet?" I growned.

"Lauren get up now! You have school, now get your butt out of bed!", my mom yelled from downstairs. Instead of answering I just growned again. I heaved my body out off my bed, almost falling to the floor, due to the sudden heaviness. On my way to the bathroom I picked up a few clothes. I looked into the bathroom mirror growning, again, at how terrible I looked. I brushed my hair and than took a long, warm shower, relaxing as the water hits my body. This time I sighed. Realizing it was time for me to really get ready, I got out off the shower and brushed my white shining teeth.

"Lauren! I need to get ready for school too you know!", the annoyed voice of my brother Chris was audible. "UGH! Guys can't I keep my peace for only one morning?!", I answered. "You wish. You know you're not the only one wanting peace in the morning, grumpycat.", he stated. Unwilling I took my clothing and went back to my room, mumbling "Happy?", while storming past my brother. I put on my white T-Shirt and black skinny jeans, picking out my leather jacket. As I checked myself in the mirror this time, I find my appearance satisfying, nod and walk down the stairs, heading for the kitchen.

"Mornin'.", I said to my parents, which were sitting quietly at the kitchen table. I grab the orange juice out of the fridge, pouring some in my glass. "Good morning sweetheart.", my father said, as I took a sip of the refreshing liquid. I send him a smile, while placing the now empty glass on the kitchen counter. Looking at the clock i realize it's already really late, so I quickly make myself a sandwich wrapping it up and throw it into my backpack, that was laying on the floor before.

"And bye.", I wave, before storming out and grabbing my keys. In front off my house I take a deep breath before taking a quick look around and sprinting into the woods. Somewhere on the way to school Dinah and Ally catch up to me and we greet each other. "God, Lauren you look terrible.", Dinah laughes. I look at her seeing her maine of hair all around her head, flying in the wind. Throwing a threatening look to her, I let a deep growl out my throat. She ducks her head fast in a submitting manner, whimpering.


Soon we arrived at school, going to sit at our usual place in front of the main entrance. I watch as many people pass by and there are many different groups of students on the parking lot. "So, what's up?", Dinah asks.

I stay silent as Ally starts talking to Dinah about how she watched a movie yesterday night and they start rambling about it.

"Yeah, that scene waas actually really funny.", the big girl says. The short blond girls gaspes.

"Dinah! What the hell?! They were brutally murdered by a guy, whos face was so terribly deformed, you couldn't even recognize it as a face! You think that's funny?!"

I have to giggle, when I hear Dinah answering " Yes, actually I find that funny, otherwise I wouldn't have said it. Duh!" Then I hear Ally smack the taller girl on the arm.

" You're so mean.", she states.

" Ally your boyfriends here.", I say for the first time in a while.

The short girl sniffes the air before recognizing the scent. "Wow Lauren you powers are impressive."

I smirk satisfied at those words.

"Hey babe." I hear Troys deep voice.

"Hey", the short girls.

"Let's head in now.", i say standing up, not waiting for the others, which were following me anyways. I head through the doors to my locker. Once there I grab a few thing, aswell taking some out of my bag and placing them in the locker. As I turn around I see the others at their lockers around me too.

"Okay bye guys. I'm heading for class. See y'all later."

"Wait." Dinah grabs my hand and holds me back. " Are you okay? You seem kinda mad yah know?", She asks truly concerned.

"Yeah sure. Everythings fine. I'm just really tired, really." I tell her the truth.

"Okay good.", she smiles and lets go of my hand. I turn around and walk to my class. Halfway to y classroom I hear a boys voice, instantly recognizing it and sighning in annoyance.

"Hey Lauren. What's up?"

"Nothing Brad. Leave me alone, I have class now."

"Okay cool, but I wanted to ask you, if you wanted to go..."

"NO. Brad you're getting on my nerves. How often do I have to tell you I don't wanna go on a date?!"

"I'm gonna keep on asking."

"Please don't", I groan. "I know all that shit with 'fight for the girl' and 'don't give up', but honestly I don't like you and you're annoying me to a point, where you almost ruin my morning by just saying hello. So stop or I'll make you stop.", I threaten him.

"Okay I guess. I'm sorry, I'll leave you alone from now on.", he says scared.

"Thank you.", I sigh. " Now you'll excuse me, I'm getting late for class."

The boy turns around and walks away, his head hanging down. I kind of feel sorry for him, but it had to be said, since her other pleas didn't work. He wasn't ugly or something. I just didn't like him that way. And also I'm gay so he's not exactly my type. With that thought I chuckle to myself.

Finally I'm in my classroom and seat myself on my chair and lay my head on the desk, dozing until the teacher for my English class comes. After a little while the bell rings and I hear my Teacher Ms. Reign coming in and greeting the students befor starting class. I pick my head up to look to the front.

Well, let the day begin...

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