China smiled, at least someone was civilized.

Japan sat quietly, even though he didn't look it, he was very proud. How many people would show mercy to their enemies instead of simply killing them? Not many would choose this for fear of them appearing cowardly.

Germany remembered that day, he remembered the fear he felt when he recognized the face of the country known as Canada and realized that he could shoot at the country and kill Canada; or vice versa if he didn't pull the trigger quick enough. When Germany saw that Canada had--for some reason unbeknownst to him--decided to allow him to retreat with the remainder of his troops he felt relief and gratitude. Countries could be killed, but after a while the country would be reborn unless if their country were to be dissolved. There was no coming back from Death when your country is dissolved. But even more prominent than the relief was respect, Canada had had every reason to shoot him, and yet he didn't. Canada hadn't shot, knowing that he could have killed Germany. And for that, Germany had a type of undying respect for the country. Even if he forgot Canada most of the time.

Italy was awed. How many countries had taken the lives of their enemies? Italy himself had--at one point in time during the mafia years--been forced to take the lives of many people, most of which were not innocent in the least, but still, the guilt had gnawed through the pit of his stomach; which lead to him vowing to never again touch a gun again unless absolutely necessary.

Spain himself didn't have any thoughts on the matter except, why? Why not just shoot Germany? Spain himself had taken the lives of people, innocent and guilty alike and he had almost never shied away from the deed. Almost, but even he was not proud of his actions. As happy as Spain looked, he didn't always feel that way. Especially during the Conquista and pirate eras. Because of Romano and his friends, Spain was feeling like his old self, the one from nearly one thousand years ago; the happy one.

Prussia smiled, Canada had spared his little bruder. Prussia didn't want to feel the loss of a family member again, not after Holy Roman Empire and Germania. Prussia wouldn't have been able to handle that, twice had been two too many. For having left him with a bruder still, Prussia liked Canada even more.

Canada looked down, lost in thought. He remembered that day well, the sounds had been deafening, the smell had been overpowering--the smell of fear, sweat, and blood--and they had haunted his dreams. Canada had needed closure, of which he could only get by honouring the soldiers' deaths. This had been his way of dealing with the lives he had taken, of which he had done either directly by killing them himself or by leading his own people to their deaths in war.

Canada touched his eyes, feeling the tears leaving trail marks down his face. Hearing the entry he had written so long ago had brought memories to the surface; memories he had not been prepared to remember.

Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder and without looking he knew it was his brother. Canada gripped America's hand tightly, glad for the reassurance. Then he felt small, thin arms wrap themselves around his waist and realized it was Italy, and Canada hugged back. England and France both patted his head soflty, like how they had done when Canada had been a small chibi and had been scared or worried.

Japan and China stood by him, smiling reassuringly to which Canada smiled back.

Prussia came up to the group with Germany, both smiling understandingly. They all knew how hard it was to take someone's life and the grief and guilt that ate them from the inside out.

Russia walked up and held out his hand, Canada grabbed it gratefully and stood. Sometimes even Russia had admiration towards someone.

Romano and Spain walked up as well, and Spain clapped Canada on the shoulders while Romano gave him a thumbs up, then he too clapped Canada on his shoulder.

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