Chapter 43: The Brilliance of Youth

ابدأ من البداية

I pay, and she smiles at me one last time, before she quickly gets to work with making the coffee.

I step aside, allowing the line to move forward, and wait at the counter for our drinks.

I look around the coffee store, and despite the fact that majority of the people in here are all adults, I can't help but notice every single kid in this damn cafe.

It's like my eyes have a radar for the kids, and they automatically find them, no matter what.

I sigh, noticing a little boy laugh with his mom about something.

I watch carefully, as the mom then scoops him up and kisses him on the cheek, both of them laughing.

He's bundled up in his winter jacket and boots, and he's really cute.

There is so much joy that comes with having kids, and that I know.

Apparently, it's unlike any joy ever experienced.

And a large chunk of me, wants to experience that joy.

I shake my head, looking down at my hands.

I am starting to appreciate the little kids more and more.

I'm thinking about them in a different way.

Suddenly, a small voice interrupts my thoughts.

"Excuse me, could you pass me a straw? I can't reach it, because I'm too little." A small, female voice says from beside me.

I look over and down at the person whom the voice belongs to.

It's a little girl, probably about four years old, with blonde hair and blue eyes.

Her hair is in pigtails, and she has a small little face with big blue eyes that are looking up at me from where she is standing.

She's wearing a pink winter jacket, with little pink gloves.

Her winter boots are pink as well.

She's adorable.

She's honestly one of the cutest little girls I have ever seen.

Honestly, I've always had a soft spot for little girls.

The little female Blackhawks fans are my favorite.

They're adorable, and so sweet.

They are probably my weak spot.

"You bet." I laugh, grabbing a straw from the container on the counter.

The counter I'm standing by is the one that has all the extra syrups, napkins, utensils, stir-sticks, and straws that people can grab if they want.

I pass the straw down to her, and her little fingers brush against mine as I pass it to her.

"Thank-you!" She giggles, smiling up at me.

"You're welcome." I laugh, smiling back at her.

With that, she turns and and waddles off innocently, back to her table where she sits with her mom.

I smile, as she does so, admiring her innocence.

She's absolutely adorable.

Right then, the barista calls my drinks, and I grab them, thanking her as I do so.

Taking my drinks, I leave the coffee shop, my mind running marathons.

I begin to walk back down the streets of Chicago, the cool air greeting my lungs as I do so.

I notice a few more kids as I continue to walk, and I replay what happened with the little girl back in the coffee shop in my mind a few times.

A small smile crawls across my face, and I continue smiling as I notice even more little kids pass by me, all laughing or giggling excitedly.

And right then, a part of me clicks.

In this moment, my mind has been made up.

I don't know what the hell is suddenly convincing me to feel so certain in my decision, but something feels right.

I quicken my pace, almost laughing as I make my way back to Trump Tower.

A few more kids pass me, and I smile at all of them, my mind racing.

I take a deep breath, and my breath is visible in the cool air.

I finally make it back to Trump Tower, the warm coffees still in either of my hands.

I enter the building, and the warm air is nice.

I head straight for the elevators, and enter into one.

I press floor eighty-four, and lean back against the wall in the elevator as it starts to ascend.

I close my eyes, still smiling.

My heart is beating fast, and for some reason, I feel overly excited.

And honestly, I don't know why.

But it's exhilarating.

The elevator finally reaches the eighty-fourth floor, and the doors slide open.

I quickly file out of the elevator, making my way down the beautifully marble-tiled hallway.

I reach our apartment, and I struggle to unlock the door with both my hands full at the moment.

Finally, it unlocks, and I push it open, walking into the apartment.

I notice Abby sitting on the couch, watching TV.

Her hair is up in a high ponytail, and she's wearing a simple white v-neck with jeans.

She glances over at me, noticing that I have made it home, and gets up off of the couch.

I take off my jacket and shoes, proceeding through the apartment.

We meet just behind the couch, and she smiles at me.

"Here you are, Miss. Abigail." I say, passing her coffee to her.

She blushes, taking the coffee from me.

She kisses me on the cheek quickly.

"Thank-you, Patrick." She smiles, looking up at me.

"Is it cold outside? I haven't been outside since this morning when I left for work." Abby laughs, sipping her coffee.

I shrug.

"It's not too bad." I say.

She nods, smiling.

And before I can do anything else, my brain takes over, and talks for me.

"Abigail, I'm ready." I say, quietly, looking down at her.

She furrows her eyebrows.

"What do you mean, Pat?" She asks, taking a small sip of her coffee.

Her face is confused.

I move closer to her, pressing a kiss against her cheek gently.

"I'm ready for kids, Abigail," I say, smiling, my voice quiet.

I smile, taking her hand, before speaking once again.

"I'm ready to start a family, darling."

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