New Year

130 8 9

Squirrely has logged on
Stark has logged on
Loki has logged on
Sherlock has logged on

Squirrely: Okay boys, what's your resolutions?

Loki: Why are we the only ones to share our secrets of the new calendar?

Squirrely: Easy answer. You. Three. Cause. Mayhem.

Sherlock: And the other villains?

Squirrely: Can we just focus on my first question? What's the resolutions?

Stark: Sleep, Work, Alchohol, repeat.

Squirrely: -_-

Loki: Take over the world!

Sherlock: We all know that's not happening

Loki: -_-

Sherlock: Unlike these uncultured beings I actually have a useful resolution.

Squirrely: Let's hear it :)

Sherlock: Solve 100 cases, say thank you more and shut it when I observe the public

Squirrely: I feel John added those last 2? ;)

Stark: Mine sounds better

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?????: These idiots can't get my players together. Idiots. Hopefully they'll come together soon, I'm rather bored. Murder?

?????? Has left

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