Chatroom 11

335 16 9

( Squirrely has logged on )
( John has logged on )
( Bilbo has logged on )

Squirrely : So. There was a little accidental meet in the last chat where Sherlock and Tony met themselves.

John: Was that why he's been in a panic nervous mood?

Squirrely : Probably. Anyways I'm having some of you guys meet your other.

Bilbo: John really looks like me. Is that why you called us? We already know

Squirrely : Yes well, fairly hard to explain. ...

(Squirrely has invited Martin)

Squirrely : Bilbo and John, this is Martin Freeman. In my world he acts both of you in movies and TV-

Bilbo and John: AAAAAAAHHHH!!!

(Bilbo and John has logged off )

Squirrely : That went swell

Martin: Lol. I want to see the others reaction. May I stay?

Squirrely : Yeah its cool. Hold on I'm inviting

(Squirrely has invited Rogers)
( Squirrely has invited Chris)

Chris: Hey there Rogers

Rogers:   0_0      Squirrely explain!

Squirrely : Steve this is Chris Evans. He is an actor from my world and plays you in movies.

Rogers: oh...well....hi?

Chris: Hey. I've actually wanted to ask you something

Rogers: 0_o what?

Chris: Why do you keep the same hairstyle? Like always?

Rogers: That's the only way I knew how to style my hair. Also it's classy :)

Martin: Well this went better than my reveal

Rogers: Hey John! How long did you know?

Martin: Sorry old chap but I am also an actor. I play as John Watson and Bilbo too

Rogers: Do...all of us have a twin in your universe?

Squirrely : Technically. ....meh. yeah I guess

Chris: Wait don't I have another one?

Rogers: There is another us?

Chris: I think?

Martin: Are you all thinking...?

Squirrely : Oh. I know who :D

(Squirrely has invited Johnny)

Johnny: Hey Squirrely!  Long time no see

Rogers: He knew you? How long?

Squirrely : Years ago when I loved Fantastic 4. I still do.

Johnny: 0_0 Squirrely. I am seeing 2 of me

Squirrely : Johnny, I am from a different universe and so is Rogers. Chris here is from my world and plays in movies about Fantastic 4 and plays Steve Rogers in Avengers and Captain America.

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