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Ron and Hermione glanced at one another, grabed each others hand and headed towards the flame and letter. Once they reached the table, neither of them wanted to take the next step and reach for the parchment that held the words that both knew would change their lives forever.

Finally after looking at it, for what seemed like forever. Hermione closed her eyes and just grabbed the letter.

As soon as her hand touched the letter the blue flame disappeared. She had it in her hand, she looked at Ron with fear and sadness mixed in her cherry wood colored eyes.

"I don't want to read it", she mummbled quietly.

Ron barely heard her, even though he only caught half her words, he could feel the trepidation radiating from her body. He too was scared to read the letter in her small hand.
Still holding hands they walk to the far wall where the picture of them use to hang. All that was there now, was faint lines of where the frame used to hang. The stark white inside of the square lines reflecting the ghostly memories that still haunt the place.

Both of them with their backs against the wall, slid down to huddle together and opened the letter together....

Ron and Hermione

I am so sorry that I am not brave enough to share this with you in person. That I "The Chosen One", the one who took ol'Voldy down, is not strong enough to tell you goodbye and look you in the eyes.
I just can't do it anymore. I am tired of being famous for my scar, and destroying Voldemort twice. I am not a hero I am a person who did what any other soldier would do. Fight for my family, my friends, for freedom, and for love. The heros are the ones who gave everything, who gave their lives. Those are the ones who need to be celebrated, not me.
I need to be alone. To go where I am just Harry. I need to do this alone. I just need to find myself again. I will be back, at some point. I just can't say when.
I will owl you and let you know I am ok.
Please don't come looking. I know you will want to but I ask that you don't. Please give me time.
Know that I love you both. Know that I will be back. Know that I will never forget. I just need time to get over it all and clear my head.
Tell everyone I love them and that this is not goodbye forever just a goodbye for now.

Both of them read the letter over again. Wishing and wanting the words to change. Hoping at the end there was a just joking i'm hiding in the shower.

Hermione scanned the room, squinting hoping she missed him sitting in a corner smirking at her.

She lifted up her wand closed her eyes and said "Revelio!".

When she opened her eyes again nothing had changed.

Ron sat there his emotions running hot.

After a bit of time passed he leaped up and yelled "Fuck you Harry!"

He pivoted around and started pacing and loudly started talking to himself.

"What we're not good enough to help you? Bloody hell we flew through fire for you."

Hermione sitting there watching Ron go through his feeling.

First anger....

Second fear... "What happens if we never see you again? How will my future kids know their Uncle Harry, my best mate, my brother."

Third sadness....."Why Harry? We could help you. Cry with you, help with the missing pieces. Listen to you. Who knows you better than us."

Forth defeat.... "I guess we will just move on."

and fifth some understanding....

"I guess I get it mate. I may not really understand but I am going to do my best mate."

With that he dropped to his knees in the middle of the room and cried. Holding his head in his hands and cried.

With this final act from Ron Hermione jumped up and ran to him. Wrapped her small frame around him and just held him. No words just warmth and love radiating through her to him.
They sat there holding each other in disbelief and sadness. After some time they helped each other up, looked around once more and walked to the door.

Ron grabbed the door knob, and before opening the door turned looking into the room once more and softly said

"Bye Harry."

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