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- Seis

Wade had eventually rocked Mark to sleep, and now he was sleeping peacefully on Wade's couch. Wade was angry at Jack.
Even though he didn't know Jack well, like Bob and Mark did, he couldn't help but hate him. Anyone who hurts his close friends, he automatically despises.

Sighing, Wade gently picked up Mark and carried him to his room. Mark wasn't exactly light either; he did hit the gym a fair amount of time. Letting out a pant, Wade laid Mark down on his soft, plush bed. He'd allow Mark to stay for as long as he needed. Because he cares, unlike Jack.

Jack's too stuck up his girlfriend's ass to realize his best friend was hurting badly. "Hmm." Mark mumbled, rolling over. His eyelids slowly opened, revealing his dark eyes that held many emotions.

"Wade?" Mark's usually deep and heavy voice came out small and strained, making Wade's heart break. "Right here, buddy." Wade sighed, rubbing Mark's warm back. Mark nodded silently and closed his eyes again, letting darkness consume him.


"Shit fuck piss cunt!" Mark let the swear words drift out of his mouth as he slammed his PS4 controller down on the coffee table in front of him. Him and Wade were playing their third round of Call of Duty; Mark had died every single time. "Chillax, It's just a game." Wade laughed cheerfully as he turned off the consule, patting Mark's shoulder.

"But it's not fair!" Mark whined, stomping his foot like a child would. Wade just chuckled, watching Mark with an amused expression, "Everything isn't fair, my dear Mark." Wade teased, snorting a little. Mark smiled; a big, goofy smile. One of those smiles that radiated happiness, and joy.

Wade was happy to see Mark smiling again. He still didn't know the reason behind Mark getting so upset. He figured now was the time to ask. "Hey, Mark..about earlier, why were you so upset?" Wade asked quietly.

Mark just shook his head and sighed, "I'll tell you when I'm ready, sorry." Mark wasn't ready to reveal being in love with his best friend. What if Wade judged him or didn't want to be his friend anymore? He couldn't live without Wade.

"That's fine, Mark. Tell me when you're ready." Wade smiled sweetly and nodded understanding. He would wait an entire year for Mark to tell him; he was patient. "Thanks." Mark smiled widely and yawned, running a hand through his thick, black hair.

"You sh-" Wade was rudely cut off by Mark's obnoxious ringtone, making him chuckled. Mark blushed lightly and grabbed his cold phone off of the coffee table, answering.

"Hello?" He said quietly, he didn't bother checking the caller 1D; therefore he didn't know what he hell he was talking to. "Hey Mark." Fuck, Mark thought. It was Jack. "H-hey." Mark stuttered, not prepared to talk to Jack yet.

"I miss ya. I'm going to the arcade, meet me there?" Jack suggested happily. Mark really didn't want to go, he didn't want to see Jack at all right now.

He couldn't deny him though. "Sure. Uh, be there." Mark rushed out and pressed the "end call" button on his phone.

"Shit, shit, shit." Mark cursed, running a sweaty hand down his frowning face, "What's up?" Wade asked curiously, eyeing Mark's phone. "Jack invited me to the arcade to hang out, and fuck. I don't want to." Mark whined out, wiping his sweaty hands on the couch. Wade raised an eyebrow slightly confused, "Then don't go." Wade said simply, kicking his feet up on the coffee table.

"I have to, I already said I'd go." Mark argued, shaking his head at his stupidity. He wasn't ready to be hurt again; which most likely Jack will end up doing. "You're screwed then, buddy." Wade laughed lightly, but Mark didn't find anything funny. His frown deepened, and his eyebrows furrowed.

"Stop laughing, I'm leaving." Mark growled and walked into the guest room he was staying in, quickly changing into a decent outfit. He slid on his varsity jacket and left Wade's warm house.

Starting his car, Mark gripped the steering wheel tightly with his sweaty hands, trying to control his heavy breathing.

He felt tingly in his stomach, and slightly excited to see Jack. Of course he felt like this, he was in fucking love with the boy. Mark rolled his eyes and started his red mustang, hitting the streets.

Mark rolled down his window and let the autumn breeze fly through his messy hair, it felt warm against his hot skin. "My life is too much." Mark mumbled miserably as he took a sharp turn.

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