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- Tres

"I'll see you tomorrow Mark." Jack sighed sadly as he walked Mark up to his front door. Mark didn't want to leave at all, he wanted to spend some more time with Jack. "I can stay if you'd like, only if you want though." Mark offered, and Jack's face lit up at the chance of spending more time with his best friend.

"I'd love for you to stay, we haven't really gotten the chance to hang out." Jack said and smiled, making Mark smile as well. "I know, I've been extremely busy, my channel is growing massively." Mark said lowly, sending shivers down Jack's spine. Jack ignored it though, blaming it on the chilly breeze inside the house.

"So, sleeping arrangements. You can take the guest room for the night." Jack yawned, scratching his pail, skinny arm. Mark thought he looked absolutely adorable. "Yeah, sure. That's cool." Mark said a little dissapointed, he was hoping Jack would let him sleep with him. Not like that, but just sleeping next together, or maybe cuddling. Yeah, Mark would definitely love that.

But he knows that's not going to be happening any time soon, probably never. "I'm tired already, would you mind if I went to bed?" Jack yawned, rubbing his eye with his fist. Mark just wanted to pick him up and rock him like a baby.

"That's fine, Jackaboy. Go get some rest." Mark smiled, patting Jack's head as he walked down the hall to the guest room.

Jack watched as Mark walked away, a tingly feeling going throughout his body. He didn't know why he was feeling like this, so he chose to ignore it and went into his chilly room.


Jack's been up for about 3 hours now, just staring up at the ceiling. It was 8 in the morning and Mark hadn't woke yet. Jack was worried though, so he couldn't sleep. He texted Ally yesterday when she left, to make sure she got home safely. She never replied though, which has Jack biting on his nails anxiously.

Jack picked up his phone and decided to try calling Ally again; he called five times already, and each call went to voicemail. Finally, Jack thought as he heard Ally's faint "hello?" On the other line. "Morning, babe. You made it home last night, right?" Jack asked quietly, because he didn't want to wake Mark up.

"I did, Sean. Thanks for asking." Ally sounded a little annoyed, or tired. Jack couldn't really tell, he was just happy to finally get in touch with her. "You know I care about you, Ally." Jack said as he played with the end of his pillow.

Sometimes he felt like he was too clingy. "I care about you too, sweetie. But I was sleeping, and you know I have to go to work." Ally sighed, and Jack couldn't help but feel terrible. "Oh, fu- badgers. Sorry, I didn't know." Jack mumbled, and hung up after that. He didn't want to bother Ally anymore, he already woke her up.

Mark, on the other hand, had just woken up a couple minutes ago. He was straining his ears to listen to Jack's conversation. He knew it was eavesdropping, but he didn't care. He sounded upset and Mark was concerned.

He heard Jack sigh, and that's when he decided to get up and see what was wrong with his best friend. Mark slipped his glasses on his eyes and walked down the hall to Jack's room.

Mark stood in Jack's doorway, surprised he hadn't noticed that he was standing there. Jack was sitting up in his bed, drinking coffee from his Septic Sam mug. "Morning." Mark said quietly, making Jack look up. Mark noticed that his eyes were a brighter blue then they usually were.

"Morning, Mark." Jack's voice sounded lovely, always smooth and soft in the mornings. Mark loved it.

"How'd you sleep?" Mark asked, sitting on the edge of Jack's warm bed. "Not good, but at least I got some hours in." Jack sighed and put his mug down. Jack was still feeling quite terrible and guilty for waking Ally up. It wasn't his fault, he was just worried about her.

"Oh, that sucks..." Mark felt bad for his friend. Why couldn't he sleep?

"Oh, it's alright, you know. I've got enough energy to last me the day." Jack tried to joke but his voice failed him, he couldn't shake off the thoughts of Ally being angry with him or annoyed.

Jack couldn't stand when he made people upset. "I guess that's better than nothing." Mark shrugged, he was starting to get very curious about who Jack was calling.

"I was waiting for Ally to reply to my texts or call me back, I was worried 'bout her." Jack explained, sighing deeply. He always finds a way to fuck up; Jack just wants everyone to be pleased with him, he's a people pleaser.

Mark obviously knew that Jack was beating himself up over this.

"She should understand that you were just worried about her, instead of snapping at you." Mark was feeling pure hatred towards Ally.

"I know, but it's not her fault..It's mine for w-" Jack got cut off by Mark. "Bullshit, it isn't your fault." Mark frowned angrily, he hated when Jack was upset. It made him upset, because Jack doesn't deserve to be upset ever.

"How about we go to I-hop for breakfast to get your mind off things?" Mark offered, he knew pancakes would make Jack's mood %100 better. "Yes, I'd love a fluffy stack of cinnamon pancakes right now." Jack laughed and rubbed his flat stomach, standing up.

Mark chuckled and ruffled Jack's messy hair. "It's all on me, little Irish."

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