
22 1 0

- Quatro

Mark and Jack were sat at a small table in the far corner in I-Hop; they've already ordered and were just waiting for the food to arrive. "Shit, I should have got the blueberry pancakes." Jack groaned, closing the menu he was looking at.

Mark chuckled deeply and shook his head, picking at his short nails. "I told you, you can get anything you want. It's on me." Mark smiled, he loved doing things for Jack that made him happy.

"I don't want to be a pig though. I'm fine with what I ordered." Jack grinned and reached over across the table, patting Mark's hand. "But I appreciate it though, you're so nice."

And Mark couldn't deny that either. He loved doing things for people, especially Jack. He's willing to do anything for Jack.

"You're so pretty." Mark mumbled, but it was loud enough for Jack to hear. Blush spread across Jack's cheeks, all the way up to the tip of his ears. "Thank you, Markipoo." Jack said quietly, the blush spreading down to his neck.

He didn't know why he got all shy when Mark complimented him.  "I-" Jack was rudely interrupted by his phone beeping. Groaning, Jack picked up his phone and checked who was calling him; Ally.

Jack smiled widely and pressed answer on his phone, "Hey babe, wanna come over? I don't have to go into work today." Ally purred into his Jack's ear, and Jack mentally smirked. "Yeah sure, I'll come." Jack quickly accepted Ally's offer without thinking.

"I'll see you soon." Ally giggled and hung up, and jack slid his phone back into his pocket slowly. "Hey Mark?" Jack asked hesitantly.

Mark hummed in response, raising his head up to look at Jack. Jack bit his lip at the happy look on Mark's face; but he really wanted to see Ally.

"Mind if I uh, leave? Ally wants me to come over." Jack spoke slowly, and Mark's warm smile turned into a frown.

"Oh..that's fine...I guess." Mark shrugged, his heart hurt but he couldn't show Jack how hurt he was. He forced a smile, "just go. I'll be fine."

"Thank you Mark!" And with that, Jack sprinted off. Mark could feel his eyes begin to water, but he quickly blinked away the tears and inhaled deeply. "Why do I even get my hopes up." Mark chuckled bitterly to himself. He probably looked like a loser sitting alone in the corner.

He knew Jack would end up hurting him again eventually. Mark sighed and got up, "fuck the pancakes." He mumbled and left.


Mark had been moping around his house for the rest of the morning; he was bored out of his mind since Jack left him for Ally. He still can't believe Jack did that. He tried to cheer him up and brought him breakfast, but he bailed on him for the person that made him upset in the first place.

Mark rolled his eyes and got up off the couch, it was starting to sink in from laying on it for 2 hours. He didn't care though; his heart was still throbbing with hurt. He wanted to go yell at Jack, to call him a bad friend or knock down his favorite vase or something.

He couldn't bring himself to do it though, he wish he could. But he fucking couldn't. Mark sighed; probably for the hundredth time today, and slid out of his uncomfortable jeans.
He trudged down his small hallway and walked into his room. He was incredibly tired all of a sudden. Why? Well, he didn't know. "Stupid Jack." Mark mumbled and climbed under his cool thin sheets, drifting off to an uncomfortable sleep.

Meanwhile, Jack and Ally were cuddled on Ally's small sofa, watching corny comedies. Jack felt uncomfortable; Ally's long hair was in his face and her breath stunk a little. He was only being honest.

"This is hilarious!" Ally chortled, and Jack sat up a bit, pushing her hair out of his face. "Uh, yeah." Jack mumbled, stretching his arm. He suddenly felt awkward.

"What's wrong, Boo?" Ally asked, leaning over, kissing Jack's jawline down to his small collarbones. Smirking, Jack gripped Ally's waist and hummed quietly. "Nothing, I'm fine." Giggling, Ally pulled her blanket over the two, and for the rest of the night nothing was heard but moans and gasps.

Mark wiped his eyes and sniffles, he was coming down with a cold for some odd reason. He wish Jack was here to comfort him. Jack would usually tuck him into bed and make him his favorite soup; Tomato. He'd baby him until Mark started complaining, then he'd cuddle him to sleep. That hasn't happened in 4 months.

"Whatever." Mark sighed and closed his eyes wants again; sleeping to get rid of the dull pain throbbing in his chest.

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