Chapter 10.

Depuis le début

Harry's hand found mine as he intertwined our fingers. He started to walk towards the gathered crowd, making his way to the front. There stood Louis and Eleanor. Their arms wrapped around each other as they dance gracefully. Everyone whispering and cooing about the newly wedded couple.

My mind wander to the feelings she would be getting inside. When that one day I'll be at her place, dancing with Harry, Celebrating the day I dreamt my whole life. People watching us, talking about how perfect we look together, how happy we will be we were made for each other. my lips curl into a smile at my own thoughts. There isn't much time. Only a week or so. I'm such a dreamer.

"I'll be back." Harry whisper in my ear, breaking me from my thoughts. A kiss was pressed to my cheek as I gave him an assuring smile. I see him, walking between the crowd, making his way to a group of friends. I started to look around for anyone else. My eyes landing on Sarah and Danielle talking to some more people. I should probably join them.

Before I could take a step, my stomach started to cramp, something teasing my neck. I stood there trying to process the feelings. Crap, I'm going to throw up. I quickly place a hand covering my mouth, as the other help my dress. Making my way through the crowd, I search for the washroom. I really can't hold it for longer. My eyes landing on one of the boards on top, it showed a sign of restrooms and an arrow directing to the hall. Without any other thoughts, I hurriedly walk towards the hall. There was a long aisle, ending to the rest rooms. Oh god.

Quickening my pace, I walk dowm the hall. I tried my best to atleast walk faster before I throw up here but my heels disabled me to do so. I felt someone else following me, their foot steps echoing. I did not had any time to look back and see who is following me. I pushed the rest room door, almost falling on my foot. Placing my hand on the slap, I start to vomiting in the basin. The sound of the door startles me, I look up slightly trying to see the person in the mirror. It was Harry. Relief went throw my body. He grabs my hair coming infront, the other hand rubbing my back gently. I love it when he is always there for me. How did he even come here?

Soon I was finished vomiting everything I had eaten all day. Letting out a sigh, I rinse my mouth with the cooled water.

"Are you alright?" He had worry all over his face. He hands me a napkin, the other hand still on my back. Nodding, I take the napkin from his hand and wipe away the water on my mouth. I peer up at him, hell he was worried.

"I think I just ate too much." I gave an assuring smile, rubbing my hand on his shoulder. He seemed calm now. Harry gets really worried when I seem sick. He spends hours and hours just looking after me, not even picking his phone. Last time we both got allergy at the same time, it was really hilarious though. Mostly when we lean in for a kiss one of us will sneeze in the face making us fall in fits of laughter.

"You just ate a pancake and a piece of cake since morning." Harry cocks an eyebrow. Then it hit's me. He's right., I haven't eaten much. Maybe that's why I was feeling dizzy.

"Are you sure? Do you want to go home?" Harry bombards me with questions. Throwing the mint gum in my mouth, I lightly chuckle.

"I'm fine Harry. Now come on, You're in the ladies room." I infrom, grabbing his hand. Harry chuckles following me. We walk down the aisle, hand in hand.

By the time we got out, there was a different song. All the couples dancing on the dance floor. Finally, The wedding party dance.

"Would you like to dance, my lady?" Harry steps infront of me, offering his hand. My lips curl into a smile.

"I'd love to." I answer, placing my hand on his. He walks us towards the dance floor, pairs of eyes following us.

Standing almost in the middle of the dance floor, Harry's hand found its way around my waist pulling me closer. I snake my arm around his shoulder, the other hand placed on top his large one.

My eyes were locked in the green ones. His eyes, the thing I felt for so. It always reflect some kind of feelings, telling me how much he loves me. You could just stare at them all day long yet never get bored. 

"You look even more beautiful in this colour." Harry adds, bring me even closer. My cheeks heat up as I keep the eye contact. His hot breath fan my face, chills going down my body. 

"I can't wait tell our day...When I'll be standing their..waiting for you to come...walking down the aisle in the beautiful dress. Everyone looking at you....while you become mine..forever...Mrs.Styles." Harry whispers, his words echoing in my mind. Looks like I'm not the only one dreaming about that day. 

"Harry.." I whin, trying to make him stop. I flush looking down, Harry chuckles in my ear. Making little conversation, mostly Harry flirting, we danced on the dance floor between some other couples. 



Please comment what you think about this chapter! :3

GUYS, Alright so many of you requested me to post the review of my fanfic. So I'm thinking if I get 200+ likes on the chpater I'll post reviews of both of my new books right away and yoy guys will pick th ebst ones! :D :D Errr... 



FAN MEHH! I'm going to fan back the ew ones and the old ones now! Well, I'll try to. 



Another world 2.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant