You have Heart

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Clint POV

The water was scalding hot, but I preferred it that way. It stung when it hit some of the cuts I sitll had from New York, but it was relaxing. I stood there, just letting the water fall over me for about fifteen minutes. It gave me time to think. "Love is dangerous to people like us." Well, I can't really argue with her about that. Even if  I did, she would win. But, that can't be how she feels, I mean really. It's different for us. Everything we do is dangerous. Every day Nat and I get up could be our last. That's what made us the people we are, the fact we have survived the lives we have. We may not have chosen it to be like this, but it's who we are. She couldn't have really meant what she said. Sometimes I just can't get a read on Natasha, I thought things were going smoothly. 

Eh, I'm complicating things. Life is like fighting, or shooting, if you overthink it then everything will come apart. I'll just go out with her and see what happens. 

I got out of the shower, put on some boxers and looked around the bathroom. It was filled with steam. The mirror was fogged up so I had to wipe it to get a semblance of a reflection. I never liked mirrors, but I needed it to shave. I found my razor and shaving cream from where I had put it in the drawer beneath the sink. As I shaved, I thought about Natasha. She really was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Even after all she was forced to do, I still think she's an angel. A dark angel, but an angel none the less. Besides, darkness is one thing that I understand a bit of. I don't know what love is. Until a few years ago, I was sure it didn't exist. What I do  know is this: I love Natasha Romanoff, and I don't deserve her. This thought, and what she had said sobered me a bit from my earlier ideas. 

This was my time. If Fury was deadset on giving us a vacation together for a month after I had given him my report, then this was the time. I was going to tell Nat everything. But, I'm not so sure now. How could she love me after all? She deserves more. No, I shouldn't think this way. I'll tell her, I just have to find the right moment. I'll just have to prepare myself for the worst. 

I walked out in my boxers to fine her on the bed, eyes closed. She was wearing nothing but a white bath robe. As soon as the door opened her eyes popped open and rested on me. I'm not going to lie, it felt good to have her undivided attention. I flexed my core a bit, hopefully not enough to where she noticed. I didn't want to appear desperate. 

She raised an eyebrow, "Are you trying to impress me Clint?" 

Damn..."No, not at all, just uh, just wanted to stretch a bit you know." That was stupid. 

"Well," she said as she got up from the bed. She walked over to me, moving her hips a bit more then usual. When she got to me, she placed a hand on my shoulder and whispered in my ear, "You should stretch more often when I'm around."

She smiled in a devil may care fashion as she dissappeared into the bathroom. 

After that, I wasn't so concerned with the doubts I was just facing. I just considered myself the luckiest man in the world. Still though, that was one hell of an act. I had seen her do similar things to get men's attention on missions, but that was different. I just hoped different meant real. She's an expert at reading and manipulating emotions, she had to know that I loved her. Still, we aren't supposed to love. Hell, maybe I shouldn't tell her anyway, it would be safer to just keep going like this. But, when have I ever played it safe. Our relationship had slowly been evolving the entire time. We just couldn't see it. I wonder what she thought of all this? 

Natasha POV

Why did I just do that? Why? There was no reason at all to do that! He flexes his muscles for a fraction of a second and suddenly I throw myself at him? Calm down Natasha, calm down.

"A heart to love, and in that heart, Courage,"Where stories live. Discover now