Chapter 3

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I get to my 1st period class just before the bell rings. I see that girl from this morning . What was her name? Red? Crimson? Scars? I think it was Scarlet. I go over and sit with her.
"Hey remember me from this morning", I say.
"Oh yeah! Cinder right?", she says with a mild French accent
"Yeah and your Scarlet? Red? Sorry I kind of forgot", I say
"Its Ok, it's Scarlet", she says
"Ok, can I sit here", I ask
"Yeah sure", she says
"Ok thanks" I say
"Scarlet what are we doing in class today,", a girl with extremely long wavy blind hair said kind of shyly. She had pale skin, freckles, blue eyes, light pink lips, and not to be mean but she was kind of short.
"Cant say", Scarlet says with a smirk on her face
"How do you know what we are doing", I ask
"My grandmere teaches this class", Scarlet says
"Yeah her grandma is so nice", the blond girl says
"Oh Ok", I say
"Oh yeah by the way this is Cress", Scarlet says gesturing to the blond girl
"Hi", Cress says shyly. Oh so she is the shy type.
"Hey I'm Cinder ", I say
"Ahem are you three girls listening", Mrs.Benoit asks in a French accent. I can see how she us related to Scarlet.
"Oh I'm so sorry Mrs. Benoit", Cress says nervously
Mrs.Benoit just laughs. "Its all right girls but don't let me catch you talking again", she says
"OK ", Cress says nodding vigorously. I nod. Scarlet just laughs and rolls her eyes.
"Yeah yeah whatever", Scarlet says
"Anyways as I was saying you guys will be spilt into pairs and will make a 3d model of the Egyptains and their kingdoms. The pairs I chose is on this price of paper", she says pinning the paper on the bulletin board. "Now take a look at the paper and get into your pairs", she says. I get up to look at the paper. It says
Cinder x Kai
Scarlet x Wolf
Cress x Thorne
Levana x Sybil
Skylar x Ran
The rest of the people I didn't recognize.
"So I guess we' re partners", a familiar voice says. I turn around and see Kai.
"Yeah I guess we are", I say.
Oh no! Im paired up with Thorne! I've been crushing on him since 6th grade! What do I do?! What do I say!!?
"Hey you're Cress right?", Thorne asks. What he doesn't even remember my name?! We've been in the same class for 7 years!
"Y- yeah I'm C-Cress," I stammer.
"Ok cool", he says. He is so handsome. He has dirty blond hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. He is so hot! He is wearing a navy blue t shirt, his signature brown leather jacket, blue skinny jeans, and black boots.
"So what are supposed to do?," he asks.
"Oh were supposed to make a model of Egyptain civilization", I say
"Oh ok so we just draw an egytain dude", he says. Wow he really doesn't get this does he?
"Ugh no we make a model", I say. He laughs.
"Chill I was just kidding", he says.
'Oh ok", I say. I can't believe I though he was for real. Now he probably thinks I'm an idiot.
"So you wanna come over to my house to work on the project", he asks.
"Um well I have to ask my guardian", I say.
"Your gaurdian?", he asks
"Yeah I don't know where my parents are", I half lie. I don't know where my mom is but i know where my dad is. But he doesnt want me telling anybody becuase im a shell and he'll get put in jail for having a shell.
"Oh I'm sorry", he says.
"Its ok", I say.
"So come by my house to do the project OK?", he asks.
"Ill see if I can", I say.
"OK cool see ya", he says walking off to his friends.
"yeah see ya", I say. OMS! Im going to Thorne's house! I can't believe it! Oh wait I can only go if Sybil lets me. Damn it! I have to go tell my friends. Just then the bell rings. I grab my books and head off to 2nd period which is math with Ms. Nainsi. I hope Scarlet or Iko are in it. Or that he girl Cinder she seemed nice. I turn around the corner and emediatly get pulled into a small room. I open my eyes and see brooms and buckets and other cleaning supplies. Oh I'm in the janitors closet.
"Why am I here", I say. Just as I say that I get grabbed by the neck and pushed against the wall. I close my eyes shut. Oms! Whats happening!
"Hey listen little girl you stay away from Thorne he's mine", a familiar voice says. I open my eyes and see Kate Fallow, Thorne's ex- girlfriend. I've always hated her.
"Got it?", she says. I nod vigorously.
"Uh huh", I say nervously.
"Good and if you even get near him you're done and don't you dare tell anyone about this OK?", she says.
"Uh huh", I say again.
"Good now get lost", she says shoving me out the door. I hurry to the girls bathroom and cry in a stall. I hear the bell ring and rush out the door. When I get out I bump into someone. Its Thorne!
"Hey Cress right", he asks.
"Uh huh" I say nervously.
"You OK", he asks. I nod.
"OK well are you going to class ", he asks.I nod again.
"Well I never really liked class you wanna skip", he asks. Skip class! I've never skipped class! Scarlet has but not me! I never skip class. As a matter of fact I'm never even late! Oms this is my first tardy!
"Um no thanks I need to get to class", I say.
"Ok suit yourself", he says.
"OK bye", I say.
"See ya Cress", he says walking away. Oms Sybil is not going to be happy with me being late I think heading off class.

A/N Hey guys sorry for not updating sooner I had a lot of school work and I just lost track of time so sorry. I hoped you liked the chapter please vote and commet.
Xoxo Scarlet😜😘

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