chapter -15- "i love you pt.2"

Start from the beginning

Meanwhile Ryan passed by and he heard the conversation

"So you want to go on a short holiday & leave us with the hard work, that's not fair" Ryan said

"Well, you live in my house so I decide what's fair and what's not" Meghan said jokingly (kinda jokingly)

"Sometimes you give me hitler vibes" Ryan replied while he was walking away, Meghan rolled her eyes.
"Anyway, what do you say?"

Charlie's POV:

With all the drama that had been going on, Charlie thought maybe they needed fresh air, at least for a today, and it would be good for their relationship to spend time together

"Sure, let's go" Charlie said, and Meghan seemed excited

"Alright wait for me I'll go get prepared" Meghan said ...

///////// 5 hours later ///////

As they were walking around the zoo, Charlie recalled what happened in the bus, they've basically spent 2 hours in bus, Meghan was sleeping on Charlie's shoulder and Charlie thought this was the most calming moment of his life, he played with her hair while she was asleep and it gave him a feeling of serenity and love.

Meghan and Charlie have seen almost all the animals in the zoo, elephants, lions, giraffes, zebras, etc..., except for tigers.

"Where are the *ucking tigers?" Meghan said while she was looking at the map

"Oh wait look Here, there not that far away" Charlie replied and pointed on the location of tigers

"Yeeessss, let's go" Meghan said

"You must really like tigers" Charlie asked

"I love cats, and tigers are kinda cats I guess"Meghan said

"I thought you're a dog person, what about biggie" Charlie asked

"Most people are either cat lovers or dog lovers, I adore them both" Meghan replied with a big smile.

As they were about to reach the tigers, Charlie stopped halfway, Meghan asked him why he stopped but Charlie didn't reply, he was looking across the passage near the tigers' cage, he was exchanging looks with a woman, a pregnant woman who was standing beside a man .

The woman was talking to the man and the man looked at Charlie, then he looked back at the woman and nodded his head, then the woman started walking towards them.

"Do you know them?" Meghan asked

"Only the woman" Charlie replied, Charlie's mind was mixed with emotions, after all the pregnant woman was Lauren, his ex girlfriend whom he had told Meghan about before.

Author's note: if you forgot about Lauren you can read chapter 10.

"Charlie" Lauren said with a quite tone

"Who's your friend?" Asked Lauren as she looked at Meghan

"My names Meghan, nice to meet to you" said Meghan as she smiled and gave Lauren a handshake

After 5 seconds of silence, Charlie spoke.

"Meghan, this is Lauren, I've told you about her before" Charlie said

Charlie noticed how Meghan's face suddenly changed into a worried look, she clearly remembered how Lauren treated Charlie.

Lauren smiled, but it was clearly fake, she seemed sad and regretful.

"Should I give you some time?" Asked Meghan

"Is that okay?" Charlie asked back

Meghan nodded, "yeah, I'll go see the tigers" she said, and so Meghan walked away.

"Let's walk" Lauren suggested

Charlie and Lauren walked for 10 seconds before one of them said something

"Look Charlie, I'm terribly sorry I really am, I know I could've dealt with the situation better but, I was overwhelmed and I wanted to end things quicker so that you can move on, I really wish you forgive me" Lauren explained slowly

After some silence, Charlie replied

"I forgive you"

"Say it like you mean it" Lauren said

"I do mean it" said Charlie, then he continued

"You seem happier now, and that's all I wanted, for you to be happy, so I forgive you Lauren"

"Thank you Charlie, I'm sure you'll find the right person, the one who'll make you happier too, you deserve it" said Lauren

"I already have" said Charlie

Meghan's POV:

There were two adult tigers in the cage, with 3 baby tigers that looked so cute, the two adult tigers were sleeping around each other, they seemed so in love .

But I couldn't stop thinking about Charlie, this must be traumatic for him to see Lauren, I wish I could help but the best thing I can do is let them speak privately to work things out.

Meghan turned around to check where Charlie was and she saw him running towards her.

Why is he running?, Meghan wondered.
The look on his face, and his smile, he seemed happy .

As Charlie approached Meghan he started kissing her right away while he put his arms around her waist, Meghan kissed him back .

And inside her mind Meghan imagined the two tigers and their babies, for some reason she did.

"hey, what happened?" Meghan asked after they paused the kiss.

"Nothing, I just love you" said Charlie.

Author's note: so guys this is the end, I hope you enjoyed the story, thank you for reading and I wish you all the best of luck in your lives, I love you my beautiful readers 🖤.

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