chapter -6- "call me maybe"

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Charlie's POV :

I was blushing so hard , I put my head down , I didn't know what to do or say?

Everyone was staring at me weirdly , I raised my head and I saw meghan smiling .

Oh my god I was blushing so hard I didn't have the pulse to say that I like her , this is embarrassing .

"I dared you" Tommy said

I didn't answer , silence took the place

"OK this is weird" Kelsey said

"do you have feelings for my sister" Ryan asked

"I'm sorry I need to go" I said , I got up and walked away quickly

"no, Charlie wait" Emmy yelled


Meghan's POV :

Oh my god , charlie does have feelings for me , otherwise he wouldn't blush so hard like this .

Why did he leave? , maybe I should follow him .

"I will follow him" I said , I got up and followed Charlie

Charlie opened the house's door and was about to go out when I called him , "Charlie wait" I yelled

He turned around to me , "Charlie don't leave , that would break my heart" I said

"I would never break your heart" Charlie said , he closed the door

We walked towards each other .

"do you ..... really have .... feelings for me ?" I said slowly

Charlie's face started blushing again

"I........ Do" Charlie replied slowly

"why are you so shy? , haven't you ever confronted a girl about your feelings? " I asked

He giggled , "no of course I have , many times actually , but you're different" Charlie said

"different how?" I asked

"my feelings for you are stronger" Charlie said

Me and Charlie got closer to each other , we were about to kiss when Tommy interrupted , "Hey Charlie , let's go home" Tommy said

Charlie nodded his head and we got a little further from each other .

"can I have your number ?" Charlie asked

"sure , give me your phone" I said

Charlie unlocked his phone and gave it to me , I wrote my number and gave it back to Charlie

"I'll call you tonight" Charlie said smiling

"I'll wait for you" I said and I winked at him

Charlie and Tommy said goodbye to everyone , and they left


Charlie's POV :

I and Tommy got into his car , "are you going to thank me or what? " Tommy asked

"thank you for giving me the most embarrassing-shy moment of my life" I said

"dude , without me none of this would ever happen and you wouldn't have gotten her number" Tommy said as he started the car and started driving

"I was about to kiss her when you interrupted , for god's sake couldn't you wait for one more minute? " I asked

"actually , I did that on purpose" Tommy said

"what do you mean? " I asked

"Ahhh yeah yeah , when you nod your head yes but you wanna say no , what do you mean?" Tommy was singing

"leave Justin Bieber , really what do you mean that you did that on purpose?" I asked

"I was eavesdropping on your conversation , and when you two were about to kiss I interrupted In purpose to prevent you from kissing her" Tommy said

"why the hell did you do that?" I asked

"dude , I'm a bitch , everyone knows that" Tommy said

"you're a bitch , If I wasn't already in love with another person , I would've banged you" I said joking

"you can't bang me , you don't even have a ..........

(AN : I'd rather skip the rest of the conversation because it's dirty)

I entered my apartment , I changed my clothes and jumped to bed , I went to bring my phone from my jeans .

Oh my god?!? , where is it? , I checked my jeans carefully again but I didn't find it

I checked the rest of my clothes but still I didn't find it , I searched randomly around my apartment and I found nothing .

Oh no , I must have forgotten it in Tommy's car , I need to call him and tell him bring it to me now , I promised Meghan that I will call her .

But there is one problem , how am I supposed to call him???

I just lay down on my bed doing nothing , then I started thinking about meghan .

She's a singer , and I have an album for her songs , but I've never played it

What the hell? , how is it possible that I didn't play it before

I went and searched through my stuff , I found the album , I put the CD in my laptop and I was listening to the album

Oh my god , if it wasn't possible for me to adore her more , now I do

Her songs are amazing , I imagined us doing a duet together , that would be awesome , I had nothing else to do so I fell to sleep


Meghan's POV :

It's already 1 a.m , and Charlie didn't call , I want to sleep but I'm staying awake for him .

Could he possibly forgot to call , maybe his phone has died , or maybe he is doing this on purpose?

I will try to call him , I called him

His phone was ringing but he wasn't answering , I was stupid to think that somebody would ever treat me right

I went through this before Many times , but I never learn my lesson , boys are all the same , selfish and uncaring , maybe I should consider being a lesbian

I don't know why isn't he answering , but I do know one thing , which is I'm not going to stay awake anymore and wait for him

I lay on the bed , and I fell to sleep

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