chapter -9-"double cheating"

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Meghan's POV :

Charlie lay on me while we were kissing , I pushed him a little notifying him to stop

"what? Is there something wrong?" Charlie asked

"Ahhh Charlie , I don't know how to say this but ...." I said but I didn't complete

"what? Tell me" Charlie said

"it's just that I didn't cuddle with a guy since two years" I said

Charlie seemed so surprised , "meghan really? I'm so sorry" Charlie said as he pulled himself away

"my last ex cheated on me with another girl , and that's not the problem , he was also cheating on me and that girl with a guy , so it's double cheating" I said

"I'm so sorry , screw him , he lost the chance of his life , what a dumb would cheat you on ? , you're an angel" Charlie said

"I'm sorry but it just feels awkward for me , I'm sorry I just need some time before we get serious" I said

"I totally understand , whatever you want" Charlie said as he wiped my hair

"thank you for understanding" I said

"hey , what If we ~after we finish practice~ go out to watch a movie , and have dinner" Charlie suggested

"that would be great" I said


Charlie's POV :

Me and Meghan got out of my apartment , "I'm sorry that I don't have a car" I said

"what? No it's OK , I actually like it better when we walk , to burn those calories and get thinner" Meghan said then she giggled

We got out of the building and we started walking to the Cinema , it's not that far away

"I'm sorry to ask , but I'm curious , how could you not date a person for TWO YEARS!!! I mean that's crazy , you're so beautiful" I asked

"after finding out that my ex was cheating on me , I lost all hope , I didn't feel like dating or I couldn't find the right person , I used to love him so much" Meghan said

"how did you find out that he was cheating on you?" I asked


Meghan's POV :


I woke up , with Jesse by my side , we both were sleeping naked

I got up and took a shower , I wanted to surprise Jesse so I went to the kitchen and started making breakfast

"what are you doing babe? " Jesse asked

"I'm making breakfast" I said giggling

"wait , you can cook?" Jesse asked

"not really , but it smells good doesn't it ?" I said

"it does , amazing I'll go and take a shower and be back quickly" Jesse said

"OK babe" I said

Jesse was taking a shower , I heard a phone ringing from the bedroom

I went upstairs , Jesse's phone was ringing , I answered

"hey baby , I was thinking if we can go out on a date tonight" a girl said

"who's talking? " I said angrily

"who are you? Why do you have
Jesse's phone" the girl asked

"because I'm his girlfriend , who are you? " I said

"bitch , I'm his girlfriend" the girl said

"what are you talking about me and Jesse have been dating for 5 months now" I said

"what? , Jesse and I started dating a week ago" the girl said

I felt so heartbroken , Jesse is cheating on me

I started crying on the phone

"so Jesse was lying to both of us" the girl said crying a bit

"we need to meet , to confront Jesse together and break up with him" the girl said

"today at jingle bell cafe at 5:00 p.m " I said

"OK , I'll see you there , what's your name? " the girl said

"Meghan , and you?" I said

"Melanie" Melanie said

I wanted to go through his messages but his phone was locked , I wiped my tears and returned to the kitchen pretending that everything is alright

Jesse finished taking a shower , we had breakfast together

"so Jesse , why don't we go out tonight ?" I asked

"yeah I'm sorry but I have some work to do tonight , I promised my friends , maybe tomorrow ?" Jesse said

"OK" I said

/at 5:00 p.m /

I was sitting waiting at the cafe , a girl came and took a seat in front of me

"you're Meghan ?" a girl asked

"yes , are you Melanie? " I asked

"yes I'm" Melanie said

"how do I know that Jesse is actually cheating on me with you?" I asked

Melanie unlocked his phone and she gave it to me , I saw their messages together

I started crying , I can't believe that Jesse is doing this to me

"Jesse met me in a club a week ago , he took me to his house and we slept together , he then told Me that he is single and he wanted us to continue our relationship" Melanie said

"I can't believe this , me and Jesse were dating for 5 months now" I said while crying

"Jesse called me today three hours after I called , we talked and I asked him to go out but he told me that he has to go to his parents' house tonight" Melanie said

"he told me that he will go out with his friends" I said

"so he lied to both of us , but if he's not going out with you and not going out with me , then where is he going? " Melanie asked

"he is still in his house , let's follow him when he leaves" I suggested

Melanie agreed

Jesse got into his car and he drove away , I borrowed Ryan's car and I was in it with Melanie , we followed him

Jesse stopped at someone's house , he got in

Me and Melanie got out or the car and we sneaked to the house , we looked from the window

Jesse was cuddling with a BOY!!!!!

An : picture of Colton Haynes (a. K.A Jesse in my story) is attached to this chapter

Story of Marlie (meghan trainor and charlie puth fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن