Plans For The Road

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It was so hard to watch Furiosa, I wanted to help her so badly but when I tried to, one of the women pulled me back. When her cries came to a stop, I couldn't help but let my lips curl into a smile. Thank Valhalla. I thought to myself. I couldn't stand listening to her painful sorrows. When she came back, her face was swollen red. Tears were still streaming down her face and she didn't even try to stop them. It was a good moment to let everything from that point flow out of her system. Losing Splendid, The Green Place, wanting to go back. There's nothing bad about this moments, in fact it was so rare for Furiosa. I'm just glad that she was getting all of her emotions out. Capable attemped to hug her but was pushed off of her. She fell back and onto the ground, Furiosa was becoming more tough again. I could tell that she wasn't going to let the Green Place stop her from escaping the Citedal. She wasn't going to let Immortan keep her anymore.

The night there was unbearable. I was in and out of sleep all night. Thinking about the kiss that Nux had given me was so confusing to me. I didn't even know he knew about it. He admitted that he was a half life-born in the Citedal. He said he was going to die soon due to his given life. I shuffled a bit closer to Nux. I couldn't imagine him dying, not alone anyways. I turned and faced him, tracing my fingers over his lips, but being sure not to wake him up. He moved around a lot at first, but soon settled in a spot. I breathed a sigh of relief. I sat up and took a glimpse around. Not much was different except the torn down metal being. I wondered what it was called...

My curiosity got to me quickly and I stood up and started walking towards it. I dodged the scattered bodies and came closer to it. I traced my finger over the rickety metal and started to climb with out a second though. Step by step I got closer to the top. I placed my hand on a piece of metal and it fell down towards the ground. I yelped in pain seeing the blood drizzling down my leg from the metal scrapping me. It was a deep wound and I struggled to keep my balance on the structure as I wobbled side to side. I took a glimpse down and I gasped seeing how high I was from the ground. I never thought that I'd be able to get this far. The gash cut into my leg. Loose and thin flesh was handing off of my leg. The blood was getting thicker but I refused to stop moving.

I looked up. I was nowhere close to the top, but I was nowhere close to the bottom. I looked around and saw I had woken Bloodbag, Capable, and Furiosa. "Fallon!" I heard Capable scream, Furiosa cupped her hand over her mouth before she could say anything else. She whispered something to Capable, I was too far away to hear it though. She nodded. A grin was spread across my face. This wouldn't be a worthy death for Valhalla, but I needed to see what it felt like to be free, away from all of the chaos. I climbed higher and higher. The top was so close within my reach. I put one hand on top of the metal structure and pulled myself up. I know that there was a rope nearby, it's how the other girl managed to get down. I slowly stood up and reached my hands out towards the metal railings beside me. I began to walk towards the edge.

Letting go of the railings, I felt the heathy and fresh wind hit my face. It reminded me of the Green Place. "Sensational." I whispered. It's the last thing I thought about at the Green Place, other than worrying about my mothers death. I looked ahead. The Citedal was no longer in sight. It was all just desert, sand, and wreckage. I couldn't help but my smile faded. In the distance. I could see Immortans fleet waiting. "No." That one simple word had escaped my mouth. It was something so little bit in my mind something so much bigger. I needed to tell the others. I grabbed the rope and climbed down. "Furiosa!" I said. "Immortans fleet! It's not far from ere!" My yelling happened to walk Nux. Furiosa didn't seem harmed in any way.

She must've known that they weren't far behind. She gestured for Bloodbag as they headed off towards the rig. I noticed that there was a couple of motor cycles. Beside them was a bucket of gusoline. Seeing the oil I was guessing that they were fully loaded. I saw that once they came back, Bloodbag had a piece of paper and a marker in his hands. I've seen him do strange things, but nothing like this. Furiosa gestured for to come towards her. "One of these are for you." She said. "Me..?" I asked questionably. "Yes you, we're going to head out. Your welcome to come with us. You've been a help so far and I'm hoping we can get some more. Bloodbags decided to follow his own path. It's up to you." Her eyes were soft. I could tell that she wanted me to come. "Is Nux coming?" I asked. "Yeah, but why would that matter?" I was relieved to hear that answer. If Nux is coming so am I. "Yeah, I'll go." I said it with no expression in my voice but I honestly didn't care if I went either way.

I needed make sure Nux wasn't going to kill himself to sacrifice us. I wanted to help him realize that he was a full life and not a half life. I was going to go with him wherever he went. I needed to keep him safe.

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