“How could this happen?” Brendon whispered after he emptied the contents of his stomach under a bush. “How could someone do this?” 

 Jace was shaking his head. He didn’t want to believe it but he new it was right there, in front of his very eyes. With shaking hands he pulled out his cell phone and dialed the number of the Washington’s.

 He almost lost all hope when the third ring began until Simon answered. “Hello Jace.” He said, and even his voice sounded tired and weak.

 “Hello.” Jace answered slowly, trying to control the quaking of his voice, sweat beginning to bead on his forehead.

 “Can I do something for you?”

 Jace nodded out of habit, as if he forgot that Simon could only hear him and not see him. “We… we found Tessa.” He said, though his voice cracked halfway through the sentence.

 Simon’s voice instantly perked up. “Where? Is my little girl all right? She’s not hurt is she?” He bombarded Jace with questions. The hope in his voice hurt Jace and he finally broke down as his tears began to fall.

 “She’s dead Mr. Washington.” He choked out, using his other hand to cover his mouth and stifle his sobs. He wanted so badly to be strong right now but he couldn't. He couldn't be the confident teenager he was at school, he could only be the weak little boy he was ten years ago when he would fall and skin his knee.

 There’s a loud thump and crack on the other end. Part of Jace wondered if he hit something while the other part of him was just too filled with anguish at Tessa’s death.

 “Where are you Jace?” Simon finally choked out, and his voice was shaking even more than before, filled with rage and sorrow.

 “The river by fifth. Just a couple blocks from the school.” Jace answered as Brendon finally sat cross-legged on the ground, covering his face with his hands. Brendon was shaking, no matter how he tried to stop it, it would always start up again on a different part of his body.

 “Call the police.” Was all Simon said before hanging up.

 With still shaking hands, Jace attempted to wipe away his tears as he dialed 911 and reported the situation.

 Jace and Brendon sat there for five to ten more minutes, trying to decide where to look and what to say. Looking at Tessa killed them both inside while looking at each other made them choke. They both felt as if lead was shoved down their throats, preventing them from speaking anything of the incident.

 When the wail of sirens finally reached them, they couldn’t even bare to move themselves, stuck in their own nightmares.

 “You! Boys!” Men and women in uniforms began pouring down the hillside. Some began scouting out the area, finding Tessa’s body as a few others went to the boys and sat next to them, trying to comfort them in any way.

 One of the men made the two boys stand side by side as woman joined them, beginning the many questions.

 How did you find her? How are you connected? Did you see her attacker? Any idea how this happened? Did you attack this girl?

 The last was the absolute worse. They had suspicions that Jace may have been involved, that he was the murderer since he reported both her missing and murder. He knew he would never harm Tessa, but they didn't know that... No, he'd have to prove himself innocent, because with the small lead the police had now, he was the number one suspect.

 They said they needed to take them both down for questioning. Many other students would pass by where they were and stop at the yellow police tape, curiosity growing.

 Tessa’s body was zipped into a body bag as Tessa’s parents arrived, shoving past the police and ducking under the tape. “Where is she?” Teresa was frantically crying, looking everywhere for her daughter.

 All the officials did was sadly shake their head as two began to pick up the body bag Tessa had been placed in. “No.” Simon grabbed Teresa’s hand and ran over to the body bag.

 “I want to see her!” Teresa was shouting as the paramedics tried to stop them from unzipping the bag. “I want to see my baby!” Her hair was flying wildly behind her and her usually long fingernails were now short, chewed down to the nub.

 She was bravely fighting back her tears as the paramedics gave up on stopping them, simply watching as the two unzipped it with shaking fingers.

 Teresa buried her face in Simon’s shoulder, her sobs echoing across the whole riverbank as she spotted the face of her daughter.

 Many police investigators remained at the scene while others took the Washingtons, Brendon, and Jace down to the station to answer some questions.

They all only prayed they could manage through them without breaking down sobbing.


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