"PIGGY BACK TIME!" Veronica yelled, jumping on Betty's shoulders. We all laughed, taking away some of the edge of the first day.

I made my way to my locker with Fae. To my dismay, the unholy trinity (I still didn't have an original name for them) had lockers right next to Fae and I.

They turned around to look at us when we approached. When they saw Fae, they turned around in disgust.

"Bitch." Fae whispered under her breath.

"Freak." Esmie hissed back. I took Fae's arm and led her away. I got my gym uniform from my locker and went to change in the locker rooms next to the gym. 

In the locker room, I put the rest of my stuff in my locker and turned around. They were right behind me.

"Who are you?" Esmie asked.

"Does it matter?"


"Fine. My name's Faith. Now, would you excuse me?" I tried to step around them.

"I wouldn't hang out with the freak."

"Fae? She's nicer then you."

"Please. You don't anything about her."

"I know enough." I said as I walked out the locker room.

After gym, I had English with Caitlin and Blake. When I walked into the room, Caitlin and Blake had a seat saved for me. The teacher wasn't in the room yet, so we started talking. Caitlin looked like she was ready to burst.

"What happened?" All I knew was that Caitlin had Photography with Gavin. 

"OhmygodFaithyouwouldneverbelievewhathappenedinthedarkroomwithGavinIcan'teventhinkrationallyanymore!" She gasped for air.

"Breathe Caitlin!" Blake told her. "Or else I'll tell Faith."

"Ok so like we were in the darkroom and I was developing pictures and I needed to hang one, and I couldn't find one, but he was there and he gave me one."


"So like we were talking about photography and stuff and he gave me his phone number!" She was squealing with excitement.

"He's definitely into you." I said. I was happy for her.

History was similar to English, and I sat with Caitlin and Blake again. My last class before Lunch was Band.

The band teacher arranged us into our instrument groups. Adrian ended up a seat down from me with the saxophones. He was behind Sarah, who played the flute. Adrian gave me a wave from his seat and turned to talk to the saxophone player next to me. Next thing I knew he was next to me.

"Well hello there Adrian."

"Greetings Faith."

"It seems you wanted to sit next to me, Mr. Adrian."

"I did, Miss Faith."

"However, Miss Sarah looks slightly murderous."

"I'll protect you." he joked, wrapping his arms around me.

"Adrian, if Faith is a distraction, I will gladly move you." The band teacher called.

"I promise to focus." he answered sheepishly, giving me a wink.

Before lunch began, I dragged Caitlin and Blake to the bathroom, (well, I snuck Blake in), and made sure there was no one in the stalls. I very quickly filled them in on Adrian.

"Maybe you and I could double date!" Caitlin suggested. I rolled my eyes. 

"He hasn't even asked me to go on a date with him yet."

"But he's gonna!" Blake said. "Now can we leave before I get caught or I resort to cannibalism? I'm starving!"

At lunch, I sat with the group.

"Hey," Fae nudged me. "What did you do to Sarah?"

"What do you mean?"

"She's been glaring at you for five minutes now." I turned around and saw that she was.

"Adrian flirted with me." Fae winked.

"You could have your wedding at the coffee shop." 

"Shut up."

The rest of the day was pretty slow. I went to get my stuff from my locker to go home. However, somebody was already there.


"What?" She leaned against my locker.

"Don't flirt with Adrian."

"I'll do whatever I want."

"You know he'll never be interested in you. He's just being nice. You aren't in his league." Her words stung.

"Well, he isn't flirting with you, is he?" I slammed my locker. "Maybe you and your friends should stop stalking people and actually do something." I walked out of the school. My phone buzzed. It was a text from an unknown number.

Hey, its Adrian. What's up?

Only if he knew.

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