My Testimony

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This is my testimony, ever since I went to church when I was little, I was lost and I didn't know who Jesus was, as I got older I went to church more often, 2 years ago I prayed to Jesus and forgiven of my sins and on that Sunday morning I repent and gave my life to Jesus and I never regretted it. Now I'm about to be 17, so I was 14 when I got baptized. God knows what's best for us, our friends, and family doesn't. Jesus is the only friend you really need because, he isn't a fake friend, he is always there for you and always will be. If you think no one loves you, you're wrong, Jesus will always love you, he will never leave your side. He is there wherever you go, just in case if you need him which you will. Follow his 10 commandments and you will be good to go.

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