Chapter Four

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The barrier was opened and the people falling in line started coming towards us. I really felt nervous because one I'm not that really comfortable around crowds and two I'm nervous of what people might think about me.

A fan came to us stunned.

Omg two Anthony's? How did this happened? She suddenly asked
Well I have no idea too but Anthony seems cool about it Ian replied
Who is who?

She stared at the two of us while Anthony is smirking and I'm just looking at the ceiling blankly. Until she pointed at me.

Engggggg! Wrong Ian said

Wait what how'd Ian knew?

That's Andy he added
Nice to meet you? I asked
Jennifer, nice to meet you too Andy and btw, you really look like him!
Umm thanks

Anthony and Ian were chatting and signing the girl's stuff while I'm just staring at my lap. Until the girl walked away.

Hey Ian, how'd you know I'm Andy? I asked
Well you're wearing a different clothing duh Ian replied
Lol and that's not all
What else?
You have one pimple on your forehead while Anthony don't have one right now but I guess if that disappears I can't really distinguished you two when referring to physical but mentally I guess I can
He's smarter than he looks Anthony added
Hey! Is my face really that ugly that I can't be smart?Ian yelled
Sort of

They started calling each other names which made me laugh too. They really are best friends. The quarrelling stopped when a girl that looks two years younger than me approached us. She seems cool and I bet she's half Filipino too by the way she looks. She also looked a bit familiar to me.

Hi! My name's Aya! Nice to finally meet you in person guys! She said oh and can I get your autographs Ian and Anthony? While looking at Anthony.

I was a bit surprised that she didn't asked the same questions about me and Anthony. I also noticed Ian staring at her like there's no tomorrow.

Nice to meet you and of course you can Anthony replied
Yay thanks! Aya said and finally looked at me omg is that you Andy?

How the heck did she know me?

Remember me? It's me Aya, you're my brother Ken's classmate in high school! Aya said

Omg it's really her Ken and I are the best of friends.

And you finally saw your clone! Anthony! She added making Anthony smirk and then again Ian still staring.
Hey Aya! I remember you now! How's Ken? I asked
Oh he's ok
Good to know

Ian finally snapped back and signed the book.

Thank you so much guys and see you soon Andy! Aya blushingly said looking at Ian
Bye! We replied
Lol at Ian's face I said
I know right Anthony whispered

I can still see Ian smiling and daydreaming.

Ian's got a crush! Anthony said
Shut up Ian replied
Oh by the way I have her brother's number I said
Hahahahaha give him! Anthony shouted
Very funny! Ian spoke

I smirked looking at them they're really awesome and easy to approach. While they are fighting I glanced at Haley who is still talking to Mari which I think is about me. She stared back so I looked away.

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