Canadian pizza

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Ezra: sorry I didn't reply yesterday.
Zalieki: It's okay, is this a thing now?
Ezra: what do you mean?
Zalieki: Like is us texting going to become regular?
Ezra: ew
Zalieki: What?
Ezra: you use proper grammar when you text
Zalieki: Is there something wrong with that?
Ezra: i suppose not
Zalieki: Good, you didn't answer my question.
Ezra: yes, I hope
Zalieki: I approve of this decision.

I smiled at my phone. I was stupid, why was I smiling at someone I didn't even know that well. I still smiled, he made me smile, I don't know why. People never make me smile, everyone just ignores me because they think I'm a nerd that's constantly going to bug them with totally interesting facts. Shut up, I'm not weird. It's true though, I have always been alone. I see where people are coming from though I guess, I can see how I get on people's nerves. It still hurts though.

The reminder made me look up at my left bed side table. I never slept on the left side. They're was a lamp identical to the one on my right table, a notebook (I had those lying around everywhere) and a small pair of makeup scissors. I hadn't touched those in a few months. I could never move them, it was to triggering. I just cover them up with a pillow or a notebook or something whenever someone's in my room. I shuffled in my bed moving closer to the left side of my bed and stared at the scissors cautiously. I quickly slid off my bed and crawled to the other side of my room. I picked up a book my shelf and started reading to distract myself.

I heard my phone go off an hour later of me successfully absorbing myself into another world. I picked up my phone off my bed and checked my messages.

Ezra: can we play 20 questions?
Zalieki: Sure?
Ezra: are you an animal?
Zalieki: Yes
Ezra: are you a mean animal?
Zalieki: No
Ezra: are you a mammal?
Zalieki: No
Ezra: are you a reptile?
Zalieki: Yes
Ezra: are you a snake?
Zalieki: No
Ezra: are you a lizard?
Zalieki: Yes. That only took you six questions.
Ezra: I'm smart that way. You jealous?
Zalieki: No.
Ezra: Boo.
Ezra: do you think one day we could meet?
Zalieki: I don't know, if you'd want to visit hell, it's very hot down here.
Ezra: no seriously.
Zalieki: I don't know, we don't even know what country we both live in.
Ezra: fair enough. Text later. Bye.

That was the first time Ezra had ever announced him leaving and hadn't left me hanging. I guess that meant something? I thought about maybe the possibility of meeting him. Was it possible? No of course not I was being silly. I always get my hopes up. I wanted to think about other things.

I couldn't think of anything else. How he was my only friend and I didn't even know where he lived. I thought about how I didn't have any friends more. Leave it to the human brain to focus on the negative. Why did we always pay attention to the bad things? Why can't we think about the nice things? Why does our brain find the bad things to be the most important? I felt a small tear slide down my cheek. I wiped it away quickly. No crying, I can't cry, crying isn't allowed. The restraint just made the tears come faster. Why did I cry for no reason? I'm so stupid. Such a stupid, pathetic girl. I held my hands on my face and pushed hard on my eyes with my fists.

'Stop crying' I thought as I felt my breath hitch at my throat. Stop crying! I wanted to scream at myself for being weak and silly. Stop, stop, stop. I opened my eyes and was surprised, not realizing I had fallen to my side and curled up in a ball. I gave in and hugged my knees to my chest and wanted to sink into my bed.

"Zalieki?" I heard my dad's voice say from behind my bedroom door. I didn't feel like responding. He opened the door slowly and frowned at the sight of me curled up in a ball crying. "Zalieki, what's wrong sweetheart?" He said as he strolled across the room and sat next to me on my bed. I didn't respond and just hid my face behind my hands. He sighed and propped me up, pulling me into a hug, the kind of hug only awkward dads who don't know what to do about teenage girl emotions can give. I rested my head on his shoulders and he put his arm around my shoulder. He understood that all I needed was company and awkward dad hugs. "Mom's working late tonight, you wanna order takeout?" He asked after I had stopped crying. I nodded and he gave me a warm smile. "Canadian pizza?" He asked

"Canadian pizza" I said in response.

So I'm pretty sure no one is even reading this but I'm going to continue to update it anyways. Hope all of my followers had a good day. Thanks for reading. -roses

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2016 ⏰

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