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Harmony's POV:
When the console beeped rapidly, we knew that the TARDIS had locked onto alien technology. It was a huge spaceship hovering over London, my hometown to be exact. I was worried for my mum, Rose, and I guess Mickey, but I didn't really like him to be honest. I got out of the TARDIS before the Doctor did, and when I did I was grabbed by the robots again.

"DOCTOR!" I scream, as they took off with me. Before I could scream again we were already far away from the TARDIS.

Doctor's POV:
I was trying to figure out what kind of ship was hovering over Harmony's hometown, when I heard her scream for me.

"Harmony?!" I yell back. I go out of the TARDIS, and see off in the far distance the Roboforms dragging her away. "No, no. I can't lose her again." I run back into the TARDIS and take off following her signal. "It's a good thing she has that bracelet I gave her last year, even if she doesn't remember getting it from me." When I land the TARDIS, I open the door, and I'm on the Sycorax's ship. I quickly cloak the TARDIS so that they wouldn't know that I was here.

Harmony's POV:
I was brought to the alien ship hovering over my hometown, and was taken in front of an alien, I'm guessing he was the leader.

"What's your name?" He hissed.

"H-Harmony," I stutter.

"Do you know the Doctor?"

"Who?" I ask, obliviously.

"The Doctor, he's a Time Lord."

"What's a Time Lord?"

Doctor's POV:
I'm hearing the whole conversation, and smiling to myself as Harmony is acting like she's forgot who I am.

"Atta girl Harmony, my love," I say. After a few minutes I hear her gasping and choking. "No."

Harmony's POV:
I still wasn't answering his questions, and I guess it finally made him mad because within a couple of seconds he started choking me.

"Aah," I gasp and choke. I hear the TARDIS door open up so as usual I manage to turn my head, see the Doctor coming out, and the TARDIS uncloaking. I start blacking out but I manage to stay alert.

Doctor's POV:
I leave the TARDIS and of course when I did, it uncloaked itself. I stepped out and leaned up against the TARDIS.

"Oi!" I exclaim. "Did I hear that you were looking for me?" The leader of the Sycorax looked at me.

"Yes," He answers, still not letting Harmony go. "You need to leave this planet, we've taken it over."

"Oh no," I reply. "You see I don't think so. This planet is under my protection, it's you that has to leave." I reach into my coat and take out a box detonator. "Or I set the charges on your ship and blow it and all of you to smithereens."

"Then I'll kill off the human race, starting with this girl." He started choking her harder, and she screamed out more.

"You really know nothing about the human race, do you?" The Sycorax shook his head. "I swear you creatures, will never understand the human race or the potential that they have."

"Well this is one less human for me to worry about." I watched in horror as he threw Harmony and she hit the TARDIS. She was out cold and I felt my eyes widen.

"No," I whisper, then I spoke up. "You honestly should find another planet because this one is taken, and it's under my protection." I hit the button on the box detonator, quickly pick up Harmony, get inside the TARDIS, lay her on the floor, and take off. Once, we were off she woke up.

Harmony's POV:
I wake up to the sound of the TARDIS humming and vibrating. I jolt up at the vibration of it.

"Bloody hell," I say, jumping up. "I forgot how she sounded."

"It's alright," The Doctor replies. "Are you okay?" He asks, heavily concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine. That just didn't help my headache."

"Sorry love."

"It's alright. Where are we going?"

"I was gonna take you home, unless you wanna travel with me again."

"Of course I do. But, take me home anyways I need to get some things."

"Sure thing hang on." I grab the console, and soon after we land. When we landed, we go inside my house, I'm greeted by Rose and mum, and both of them are bombarding me with hugs.

"Oh God," I say.

"Harmony!" Mum exclaims, as she looked at the Doctor. "Doctor."

"Jackie, Rose," He says.

"Doctor, where have you been for the last year?" Rose scolds.

"Oh you know, traveling, alone."

"I still think you shouldn't have rewarded erased my memories," I tease.

"I told you why though."

"I know, it was for my own protection. Mum, Rose, I'm going to go travel with the Doctor again."

"Why?" Mum asks. "After what he did to you?!"

"Mum he only did it to keep me safe, that's all," I answer.

"Well alright, just call us."

"I will, I will. But, I'm getting a few things." I then go into my room, and start packing. I packed some clothes, some books to read, some journals to write in, and I didn't have to pack my passport because I always have it on me. Once, I'm packed I go back into the living room and say bye to mum and Rose then the Doctor and I take off in the TARDIS.

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