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"Aw, c'mon Bubs," Vera said chasing after her very angry boss, "it was just an accident!"

Vera's rapid foot steps echoed along the walls of the freight ship. Vera struggled to catch up as she weaved her way through the many stacked boxes full of supplies around her. She knew she screwed up bad she had never seen Bubba, who she playfully called Bubs, this mad before. 

"Just an accident?!" the alien roared, "You just cost me 2,000 credits child!"

"It was a slight mistake on my part," Vera replied cooly, "no big deal, I can get all of those parts back. Promise."

Bubba stopped and turned swiftly on his very large heel. He stood about a foot over Vera and had to bend slightly to look her directly in her eyes. 

Bubba had tough green skin with multiple scars up and down his arms from his many battles with all the other traders in the galaxy. His face was relatively chiseled for his age, but his grey eye bags and wrinkles gave away his years  worth of stress. Vera could see his pitch black eyes flaring with anger as he bent to get to her eye level. 

"How do you plan on doing that, child?" Bubba spat in the thick accent of his native tongue. 

"You know Bubs," Vera stammered, "As I always do..." 

"As you always do, huh?" Bubba asked smiling, "The same way you always talk to my buyers, get them angry, somehow insult their people, and get me into more trouble then I already am?"

"Yes?" Vera weakly smiled.

His smiled dropped almost instantly. "No. Not again Child. This was your last time." 

Bubba began stacking boxes of supplies on top of each other, Vera tried helping in desperation to stay on his good side. 

"Last time? Bubs, what do you mean last time?"

"I mean," he sighed, "at the next drop off, you'll be getting off."

Vera's heart sank all the way to her toes and the color drained from her face. 

"You can't do that!" Vera cried.

"Oh yes I can." Bubba said continuing to stack the boxes. "My ship. My rules."

"But you need me!" Vera pleaded.

"There's always a body in need of a job. I can easily find another at the next stop."

"Listen Bubs, we had a deal." Vera said almost shaking with anger. "I help you with your stupid boxes and you give me a ride back to the base."

Ever since she went on that mission gone wrong Vera missed the base immensely. It was her home. The resistance had a hard time contacting her since she was in the outer rim, she managed to contact her commander Poe. Poe was one of the resistance's best pilots and also one of Vera's best friends. He told her that she would have to find her way back to the base since all the pilots were dealing with major setbacks with the first order. Vera had told Poe it was no problem and she would eventually make her way over to the base. 

Except, problem was, your ride just canceled on her. 

"The deal we did have was 2,000 credits and 100 portions ago." Bubba said calmly. "I can't have you wasting anymore of my resources Child. Come Jakku, you will be getting off." 

"Woah, woah, woah," Vera said stopping Bubba from picking up another box, "Jakku?! That barren waste of a planet?"

Bubba smiled deviously "That's the one."

"You have to give me another chance!" Vera pleaded desperately . "There's nothing on Jakku except sand! I'll never find anything there let alone anyone to take me back to the base!"

"You should have thought of that before you gave my parts away." Bubba said pushing past Vera almost knocking her over. 

Vera stood there frozen in her place. She reached slowly into her pocket and touched the little trinket Poe had given her. The tiny object was supposed to give her good fortune in the worst of times. Tears threatened to spill over her eyes as she stood there wishing she was home. 

Looking at the boxes around her, Vera finally realized how much she messed up.

(A/N): Please leave a comment to let me know if there are and grammatical errors or anything that doesn't make sense! Thanks for reading!

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