I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, Leah."

She smirked and took a sip of her wine. She shrugged. "Hey, with the way you talk about him, he seems like he's your Mr. Perfect."

I sighed. "Well, I mean he is. I do like him a lot. It's just that I'm almost positive he doesn't feel the same."

Leah squinted her eyes. "Now, why would you say that?"

  I picked at the pasta on my plate, pushing a noodle back and forth with the prongs on my fork. Abruptly, I placed my fork down and looked up. "Leah, if he was interested even the slightest bit, don't you think he'd come forward and try to make a move on me?"

  Leah scoffed. "And what have you done to show him that you're interested."

I thought for a moment before lifting my win glass to my lips. "Touché," I said before taking a gulp.

  "Caroline?" I heard a man say.

I looked up to see Landon Christopher, an old friend from high school. We were very close and hung out all the time. Our families were rather close too. His father, Bill, worked with my father. Sadly, we'd lost touch after we graduated. I'd gone to Georgia Southern and he'd made his way to Texas A&M with a full scholarship for football.

  "Landon?" I exclaimed. "Is that you?" I asked.

  "By God there's only one." He mused.

  I removed my napkin from my lap and tossed it on the table, standing up to give him a hug. When I stood, it was then that I realized how tall Landon had gotten. He was much taller than Luke, at least three inches taller. He had green eyes rather than brown and his hair was just like Luke's except blond. Small amount of trimmed scruff surrounded his chin. Landon was a very attractive man, that's for sure.

"Sit, sit we need to catch up." I ushered.

  Leah cleared her throat and glanced at her watch. "I need to get going. It's getting late." She stood up and draped her coat over her shoulders. "Call me later, Carol. See ya!"


  I walked the streets of downtown Franklin, my hands shoved in the pockets of my jeans. My breath was visible in the rather chilly air. My mind kept wandering to those few moments before Caroline had left. I'm going out. I'm going out to dinner actually. Who was she going out to dinner with? Where? Why? All of those questions circled in my mind, becoming too much for me to handle. I'd called my mom to come watch the kids. I needed some fresh air.

  I heard a squeal from behind me and automatically knew it was a fan. I turned around and smiled.

  "Can we take a picture please?" She asked, bringing her shaking hands up to her mouth.

  I chuckled. "Of course darling, what's your name?"

  She reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone, tears slipping out of her eyes quickly. I could tell this was a rather dedicated fan. She was about fifteen with long brown hair.

  "Bethany," She said quietly.

   "Alright, Bethany, come here." I said, putting my arm around her and taking a selfie.

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