Chapter Four: Tsukiyama

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I sighed "fine, but just go in the back yard, it's very beautiful  out there" I pause and mutter under my breath "just like you."

"Alright  she said and left the room.

I just kept throwing  books and yelling "non" and I got bored. I didn't wish to disturb (y/n) so I went to a window on the second  floor to observe my toy. I was a little confused  when I saw what she was doing. She was pulling  the pedals off of spider lillies and muttering to herself. It was quite strange as I watched her smile and frown and smile again.

I just watched her for what felt like hours, even though  it was only a couple  of minutes. She seemed concentrated, but on what? Wait, why do I care what she's concentrated on? She's just my toy and when I get bored I'll prepare  her just like any other meal. She doesn't matter, she's just another human. I started walking  to my study, away from  her. I paced the floor whispering to myself "I don't care and I never will" I gripped my hair tightly pulling some from my head. This woman will be the death of me.


Now that (y/n) is in her room for the night I can go and get our meal for tomorrow. I grabbed my cresent  moon mask and  walked slowly from my mansion and down the street. Suddenly, I smelled it, a symphony of smells that grew into a fortesimo of harmony, the perfect meal. I finally  found  him, a jogger with the perfect  amount of muscle and fat on him. From behind  I stuck my arm through him, killing him as soon as I pulled my arm out.i grabbed him and quickly  got back to the mansion. I had one of my maids prepare it for tomorrow.

I walked into (y/n)'s room and found her asleep. She looked so peaceful  and  pretty. A vase filled with water held some spider lillies from my garden. She rolled over onto her back and lightly moaned, was she...? My eyes widened as she moaned a little  more and gripped her blankets. She was having  a lewd dream, but of whom? She bit her lip and I saw her eyelids start to open. I immediately  ran from the room intrigued by this dream.


I eat in the dining  hall in my white suit and waited for (y/n). The door opened and there she was, very beautiful  in a white gown. She sat and looked down, she was obviously  blushing. "Ma chérie  why are you  blushing" I asked with a smirk on my face.

"No reason" she replied coolly as she took a bite of her kind.

"Oh really?" I raised an eyebrow "now, why don't I believe you?"

"I'm not  sure Mr.Shuu" she said, as if she hadn't had that dream.

"Who were you  dreaming  about  last night" I asked.

"I'm don't remember  my dream" she said, not making eye contact.

I sighed "fine" and we ate in silence, but it was easy to assume that she was dreaming  of  me.

A/N: Sorry this one is short. It's pretty late right now, but I'll try to make the rest of them longer!

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