Chapter One: You

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The rain dropped from the sky like blood from a nose. Puddles had formed and my shoes were soaked because of them. His laughter echoed between the alleyway and followed me. Sadly I don't run fast and I'm way to clumsy. A rock lay in my path, but I notice to late.

My hands are now laced with scratches and blood and my jeans ripped on the knees. I shakily stood and tried to run and failed. I dropped to my knees and the tall figure stood over me as I passed out. The last thing I remembered were the black and red eyes of a cold hearted ghoul.


I saw the storm coming. I slowly rode my bike to a cafe called Ontaku. It was pretty early so it was still dark out. Not many people were out this early and I was always afraid of being attacked by a ghoul, but I loved the thought of being a ghoul. I don't like the taste of anything other than coffee, but I'll eat anything that's in front of me. The moon still lightly shone and it was in the shape of a cresent moon.

Rain started to drop, but they were light showers. I could hear them as they hit the ground, but I could also hear the light taps of shoes on pavement. I slowly spun my head around to see a man, no a ghoul with a crescent moon mask and purple hair.

I started going faster, but my bike skidded sideways and I fell off. I stood up and ran into the nearest alleyway. The rain dropped like blood from a nose. Puddles had formed and my shoes were soaked because of them. His laughter echoed between the alleyway and followed me. Sadly I don't run fast and I'm way to clumsy. A rock lay in my path, but I notice to late.

My hands are now laced with scratches and blood and my jeans ripped on the knees. I shakily stood and tried to run and failed. I dropped to my knees and the tall figure stood over me as I passed out. The last thing I remembered were the black and red eyes of a cold hearted ghoul.


I woke up on a soft pillow. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. The room was to dark to make out. It was really dark outside, but I could tell it was the middle of the night. I looked down and I truly woke up. I was wearing bright red satin pajamas....Who the hell wears bright red satin pj's because I sure as hell wouldn't. My eyes finally adjusted to the dark and the room was red and purple stripes. "Where the hell am I?"

"Ma chérie, are you awake yet?" An unknown voice asked me. I knew that voice, but from where? "Well, are you?" The voice said again as a purple haired man walked into the room. "Well why didn't you just answer....what is your name?"

I looked at him in shock "Where am I?"

"No no no I asked you a question first" he smiled and sat on the end of the bed "now be a good girl and tell me."

I blinked a couple times "it's uh, (y/n), (y/n) (l/n),"

"(Y/n), what a pretty name" he looked up at the ceiling "it means pure" he looked back at me "so I'm guessing that you're pure"

"Uh what is your name?" I cocked my head to the side "I assume that you have one"

He laughed "of course I have a name" he stood up and so did I. He put his hand out to shake mine "the name's Tsukiyama, Tsukiyama Shuu"

I slowly backed away from him and bumped into the wall "why am I here T-Tsukiyama"

He smirked at me "Well I was in need of a pretty play thing and you were the perfect toy"

I widened my eyes "a-are you gonna rape me"

"Of course not" he came closer to me "a fine specimen like yourself should stay as pure as you are." Suddenly his eyes went black and red, only for a second, and he laughed until morning.

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