A Continuation of That Scary Dream

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"Can you translate for him to tell us about the last time he saw Kyo?"

"What happened during the last time you saw Kyo, Kaoru?"

"I was outside the diner we were having dinner at having a smoke. Kyo came out and said he was heading to the bus. I went back into the diner to join the rest of us. By the time we got back to the bus, I noticed that Kyo was not on it. I asked the driver who was in there and he said Kyo had never got on."

"Did he message you or anyone else about his whereabouts?"

"No. I don't know anything after I last saw him. We all searched throughout the night until we decided to call the police."

"Is there any reason that your band member would leave on his own?"

"I don't think it's possible. We are foreigners here in America. We are not familiar with the area. Tomorrow is our next gig and there's no way he would leave without explanation."

Kyo may have been unpredictable, but Kaoru knew in his gut that Kyo was caught up in something nasty. The police questioned Die and Toshiya already. Shinya and the rest of the roadies were still waiting outside the questioning room. Kaoru's lungs were itching for nicotine. In times of stress, the urge for a smoke was particularly strong.

"You are free to go."

Kaoru left the room and greeted the rest of the band.

"I'm going out for a bit," he said and quickly walk down the hallway.

Die and Toshiya watched as their usually composed guitarist left them.

"I'm going to buy us some drinks," said one of the roadies.

He walked towards the end of the bright hallway disappeared around the corner, leaving Die and Toshiya on their own. They both leaned with their backs on the wall.

"I really wish this was all a dream," said Toshiya.

"I hope so too," agreed Die.

"Kyo simply got lost in the middle of the night and will turn up tomorrow morning," said Toshiya.

"You know that's not going to happen," said Die.

"We can only pray," said the bassist.


Die slammed the door to his house. He tossed his keys on top of the shoe cabinet.

"I'm home," he called out.

He slipped off his boots and dropped his black designer bag on the ottoman in the living room.


The Russian blue was nowhere in sight. She typically greeted her owner with a "meow" of approval and rub around his leg. She must have hidden away somewhere, thought Die. He hung his black leather jacket on the coat rack and dragged himself to the bathroom to shower. It had been a rough day.

The dark circles and bags under Die's eyes were hard to miss. The storm from the night before flooded the studio at work and therefore DECAYS' rehearsal was delayed. Negotiations for new tour goods went sour after the contract with the production factory was terminated. One dilemma had piled atop another. Die stopped to look in the large bathroom mirror. His red highlights were fading. Maybe I should have stuck with black. I look good in black anyway.

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