-Lol ikr me too. We're gonna be so tired tomorrow I can already tell :).-

-Haha yeah we so are! Have you decided what your gonna wear tomorrow? (I need help I have no idea what to wear around boys!!!!)-

-Eh not really. Probably just gonna wear normal shorts and a top or something. Don't worry about it who cares what the boys think :) (but if there is a certain boy you with to impress then I can help you there ;) )-

-Haha no way, but thanks for the advice! I should probably go now so we have a remote chance of sleep!! Night! X-

-Okay Night! X-

I smiled to myself. Chats with Yachi were always enthusiastic, even if it was just through texts. I put my phone down, but then I got another message. I frowned and picked up the phone. I thought Yachi had to go?

I opened my phone to see that I had a message from an unknown number. The message was short, but direct.

-Hey I need to talk to you. Open the door I'm waiting outside right now. I have a lot that I need to say. T-

I stared at the phone in disbelief. T. I knew Instantly who is was, but was he really here? I quickly threw on a jumper and some tracky bottoms, and then quietly walked downstairs, not wanting to wake my parents.

I walked up the door, and peeped through the hole to see who was there. And sure enough, Tsukishima was standing there in a hoodie, but still looked cold and was slightly shivering. I opened the door a bit, and he turned to look at me. His eyes were red, like he had been....crying....?

I looked at him, and even though I thought I hated him, seeing him like that made all the possible bad feelings I had for him melt away in an instant. He turned at me and gave a small, yet sad looking smile.

"You actually answered. I didn't think you would. And I had all the right not too. Can I please talk to you?"

I thought for a moment, but then nodded, and opened the door to let him in. I showed him to a sofa and he sat down. I noticed he was still shivering, so I went and got a blanket for him.

"Here. You won't wanna catch a cold the night before this trip."

Tsukishima Pov

I looked at her and gave her a small smile, and a quiet "Thank you". She was still kind enough to do things like that for me, even after all I did to her. I really am an idiot.

She sat walked in front of me and stood where she was. Even though she was in a jumper and tracky bottoms she still looked beautiful. Her hair was not tied up, but was trailing down her body. I finally saw how long it was, reaching past her waist.

She was standing there, unaware of what I was thinking, of how beautiful she was.

"What did you wanna talk about?"

She sat down next to me and I shivered a bit. She was so close, I could feel her warmth next to me, so close.

"I-I wanted to say sorry for shouting at you all that time ago. I've been wanting to say sorry ever since it. But I've never had enough courage to do so. Please accept my apology.

I looked at her with sheer honesty. She looked at me for a moment, but then a beautiful smile spread across her face.

"Of course I forgive you. Just don't do it again, okay?"

I nodded vigorously, and she giggled a little. I took a deep breath.

"Um....about what I did in the medical room....what did you think of it?"

My heart was pounding, and I was scared of the answer that I feared of, dreaded of even.

"Well....I....don't really know what im supposed to think. Did it mean anything, or was it meaningless?"

"It....ment something to me. But what's important is did it mean something to you."

She smiled and stood up, moving until she stopped, directly in front of me.

"Does this answer anything, stupid?.

She leaned closer to me, and I felt my heart pounding faster and faster. She stopped and inch a war from my face, and slowly kissed my forehead. I shivered and she smiled. I wrapped my arms around her and her hugged me back. I felt so happy, but scared as hell.

Once I calmed down, I realised that Miuna's breathing had slowed down. She was asleep,here, in my arms. And I wished like It could be like this forever. Even though I wasted to stay awake, I felt my tiredness take over me.

"I love you...."

I said before I fell asleep.

Shiraishi Pov

"I love you...."

I heard before I became completely unaware of my surroundings. I do too, I thought to myself, before sleep took over me.


Hey guys!!! Thanks for reading my book!! I hope you are enjoying and please comment and vote if you want, as it would be greatly appreciated!

I would love to hear your views on what you think of the story as it would mean I lot to me!!

Managing to keep up with the update a day XD (actually wrote this last night before I went to bed idek) and I'm really enjoying it. Hopefully your enjoying reading it as much as I actually writing it!

Thanks for your time yet again!



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