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*Ember's P.O.V*

I'm walking down the street, trying to get home from school. Away from all those idiots who don't know shit.

I carefully crossed the road, trying not to get hit by a car. I successfully crossed the road, when a car drove by with about 150 mph, on a 50 mph road.

A guy opened the window and started shooting at all kinds of things, and before I knew it, I was next.

As I fell to the ground, I tried to get up.

Well, this is what you get for living in a bad part in Hollywood. I thought to myself.

When I got up, I felt a liquid dripping down my for head, and a big red stain started to form on my shirt.

Great, I got shot in the stomach and hit my head a bit too hard. Great way to end this day.

I found myself getting weaker, and fell on the ground again. I heard someone in the distance yelling for someone to call 911.

I felt my eyes getting heavier every second, and suddenly, everything turned black.

Time Skip for about 4 hours

I saw myself, laying unconscious in a hospital bed.

I looked a my dad, holding my mo- wait.

Am I dead?
Why am I here, and not in my body?

All kinds of questions started to flow in my mind. When all of sudden, a man, with a hat on, boots on, and a bottle of Jack in his hand, stood next to me. I recognized him immediately. It was Lemmy Kilmister standing next to me.

"It's not fun now, is it?" He asked.
"No, not really. What am I doing here?" I asked him.

"You're not dead, you just lost too much blood, which made you go into a coma." He explained to me.
"And you're here to help me through, right?" "No I'm not. I'm here to tell you, that those people there, sitting next to you, aren't your real parents. Your last name isn't Jackson either. You have to look for your real parents. All I'm allowed to tell you, is that your real last name Murillo is." He said, sipping his Jack.

And just like he came, he was gone.

All I knew was that, when I wake up, I will find my biologic parents. Even if it's the last thing I do.

I closes my eyes, and waited for the darkness, which I was hoping to see again.


And there you have it. Chapter one of ISTTTCE!
I hope you guys like it.
Comment and vote please.

Written on: 01/10/2016

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