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*Ember's P.O.V*

I woke up to 2 unfamiliar faces. Where's mom? And dad?

"Oh honey, we're so glad you woke up." Said the man with brown hair.
The woman was asleep and I laid here confused as fucking hell.

"Where am I?" I asked, my voice cracking.

The golden brown eyes of the man looked down as his smile turned around.

"You don't remember me? I'm your dad, Danny Murillo. And this is your mother, Theresa Murillo. How come you can't remember us?" He said, tears starting to form in his eyes.

"I'll let your uncle's be with you, while I bring your mom home." He said standing up, scooping up his wife, my.... mom.., and going away.

In came 5 tall guys, all except one covered in tattoos.

"Hey Ember, how you doing?" The tall, tan man asked.

"What do you think you idiot? I'm lying here, just awoke from the fucking dead, and there you stand asking how I am." I snapped.

The guys laughed while he just stood there embarrassed.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to." I quickly apologised.

"We don't apologise, and that's just the way it is." The chubby guy sang.

"But we can harmonize, even if we sound like shit." I somehow continued.

"You remember the song?" The one with gauges (a/n idk of they're called that but correct me if I'm wrong.) I mean, Jorel said.

"Uh yeah, wait you're Jorel right?" I asked the guy, him grinning from ear to ear, nodding excited.

And then it hit me.

"fuck I need to go home." I yelled.

I tried to get up, but the boys pushed me back on the bed.

"Why can't I go?" I yelled.
They told me I couldn't leave til the doctor showed up.

"Well, what are you guys doing? Get that fucking doctor!" Jorel ran out of the room to get him while I sat here wanting to go home to my parents. I needed to apologize to them and tell them I do remember them.

The doctor checked up on me and told me I could go. I went home as fast as I could.

when i got home, i instantly went to my parents' room, my dad was in the shower, and mom was sound asleep.

I ran to scarlet's room and said hi to her. She was so happy to see me, but all I wanted was to apologize to my dad.


Hey guys, a bit of a short chapter, but here it is.

Written 12/03/2016

Much love,

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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(DISCONTINUED) I See The Truth Through Crimson Eyes.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang