Your the death of me- 7

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I was mad and i wanted her awake but thanks to my blood she is unable to wake up and it has been a whole year and she has been in the damn bed. I was in so much anger no healer could make her feel better and every day dad would say stuff to me but i knew he must noticed my way of act towards the mortal. The only signs of movements is when Henry goes in there touches her hand and kisses her cheek and whispers nice words to her.

I would feel jealous about it but i saw how she reacted more with him and i just wanted her awake again. Awake and beside me. 'I soon have a battle with Henry...' I still don't know how he fights but i train a lot in different ways. Mind, Emotion and Fisical just to beat his ass and show my dominance to him.


I saw how he trained a lot but i didn't need it i just wanted her awake again i wanted to see those brownish blue eyes that always captivated me. But i do get curious to why he is training if he does not care about the girl i stared at him as he stayed out of the room looking at the nothing. It was all his fault that she is in a coma he cannot give a mortal a kings blood it is to powerful for her body but she endured it and survived but there was another mixed blood.

The doctor... Jackson the son of the passed away Female Doctor. I never got to know her but i saw how my angel enjoy'd her company and was happy being with her. I could never talk to the female doctor because Scott would always say something and it would begin in arguments.

I smiled lightly as i touched my angels face and i saw a small move in her head as she leaned to my hand i felt happy knowing just by my touch she moves. With moving i know she is alive and fighting to wake up when she opens her eyes the first person she would see is me and just me. I heard a hiss and i looked back Scott had a bit of his fangs out and his new eyes the veins showed and his eyes where almost black and in the center is red.

I was not scared but i kissed her forehead and i headed out the room with an angered Scott behind me he really wanted to kill me but he knew he can't. I still had papers for her i wanted her mind in seconds but the fight was settled by me and just me but Scott's father took all the credit. I sighed as i made it outside and turned around and moved aside quickly as Scott tried to punch me.

"Your going to lose" i told him a bit with a smirk

I bent aside and to dodge another as i felt his force trying to hit me in which he failed. My kingdom is known for honesty, rights and piece. While Scott's is anger, sometimes rights, many deaths and slaves, a honesty that hurt and love but cursed. The goddess cursed the land and our race thanks to Scott's father a 1,000 years ago.

Many vampires think that Scott and the mortal girl are the who would break the curse. I was told that the female saw how her family was slaughtered in front of her 5 year old eyes and supposedly is the descendant of the king who got cursed as well.

That always got me curious but i made my search and i didn't found the bloodline of the past years and saw that the last one of his bloodline died of the curse symptoms. And it was in the year of 1670 his bloodline was terminated years ago while Scott's bloodline well Scott is the only one. Nobody wanted to be with the King after many deaths and suicides from his old children only Scott stayed and it was because his father kept him away from others and showed him what needed.

I quickly raised my hand and held his fist quickly I glanced at him and twist his hand in anger. 'It's his fault she won't wake up... It's his fault that she suffered a lot... And I will not stand it' I heard a snap and a small hiss I blinked and saw that I twisted his wrist and snapped it.

"I will not submit to you... I will show you who is stronger and who is dominance" he spoke in anger

So he doesn't care about her bit I spoke "Then good because my family always won battles against your father and I will beat you and take my little angel with me... And make her happy" I glared and spoke coldly "Something you never did... Be lucky I never ripped your head off when I heard that you gave her YOUR blood..."

At the beginning he looked taken aback but he just growled at me I was not scared so I just glared at him I swing his arm downwards really hard and it dislocate his shoulder a bit and I just walked away. Towards my angels room and just relaxed a bit knowing that showing anger around her might make her worse.

When I reached her room I opened the door and I heard a voice "Henry..."

My eyes wide in realization and I saw her try and sit up and I ran to her and helped her a smile spread across my face as I saw wide awake and with a light smile.

"I knew you would come..." her words brought joy into my heart

I smiled and spoke "Is ok my lil angel am always here for you..."

My words made her blush madly but then her smiled fade away and she held her head and fell back on the bed. I yelled for one of my slaves in which she entered quickly and I ordered food quickly and a good meal. The slave ran off scared with my outburst and I touched my lil angels head she was alright must be the lack of food in her system.

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