~Bad Touch Trio

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“Beware the Bad Touch Trio.”

   Elizaveta’s last few words to you before she had left to go to her Advanced Chemistry class resounded through your head. That made no sense. Why would you need to be wary of anyone in school? And what the bloody hell was the Bad Touch Trio?

   Shaking your head, you walked to your next class, History. No one else was there, so you assumed that you were the first to arrive…or you were in the wrong class…

You had waited for around fifteen minutes, and no one had arrived, so you guessed you were in the wrong class.

But where was the History class?

You decided to walk around and look for it. It was getting boring sitting in the classroom anyway.

   The hallways were completely deserted, obviously, and it was eerily silent. You tried your best not to get scared; you had never really done well in silence, but it was getting harder by each passing second.

“Hola~!” Someone greeted cheerily behind you, and you swiveled around in fright, mouth opened in a silent scream.

“Whoa, don’t look so scared!” He said surprised. “I’m not that scary, am I? …Is that why Lovino always shouts at me?”

You had no idea who this ‘Lovino’ person was, and felt slightly awkward since you had nothing to say back to him. You had never done well with people.

The person shook his head, making his curly brown hair messier that it originally was. “Anyhow, I’m Antonio Carriedo! What’s your name?”

“…um [Name]…” You replied unsurely. You had no idea whether to trust him or not. He didn’t seem that bad. Yet.

“Well, nice to meet you [Name]!” Antonio’s emerald green eyes seemed to smile, if eyes could smile. “Do you have a class now?”

“Uh, yes.” You seized your chance. “I’m looking for the History class, you see, but I got lost…and, don’t you have a class too…?”

Antonio smiled again. Geez, did the guy ever stop smiling? “I’m part of the student council, and we’ve got to take turns patrolling the corridors. It’s my turn now.” He answered. “Anyways, History is right there,” he motioned to the room diagonally across the one you were previously in.

“Seriously?” You couldn’t help the words that escaped your mouth.

Antonio looked confused for a moment, before chuckling. “Yes. Anyhow, you’d better go ahead.” You felt him place something in your pocket.

“Um, yeah…thanks…” You fled to the History class.

“Excuse me Miss, could I come in?” You asked as politely as possible.

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