Journal Entry 20 of 52

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I've been spammed to update!!! P.S. anyone like the new cover? FAN ART BY MY SPAMMER!!! P.P.S. it was Emmaniqua XP

I took my headband out and brushed my hair. I replaced my headband, straightened my overshirt, and tied my shoes. Then someone unexpected came into the restroom.

Just as I was finishing prissying myself up, the well-known girl at school, Henrietta Medale came in. Her clíque came in as well, just as I was starting to put on my makeup before heading to my next class.

Although Henrietta isn't known as a bully, her clíque sort of ruins her reputation. Henrietta doesn't say anything, she just looks at you, and if you pass her expectations, she moves on. If not, her fingers snap and her clíque does the work. So, people like her, but at the same time, don't like her. It's sort of like a positive negative thing, you know? Yet truly, its her clíques fault that her rep is falling.

Back to today, Henrietta looked at my makeup kit on the counter, which was just a pencil box decorated with graffiti and band stickers. I looked at my watch. Only seventeen minutes left until my study hall is over.
When I looked back up, Henrietta asked, "Why did you put your makeup stuff in there?"
I paused. I didn't think she would talk to me. The daily life of a normal kid in a popular kids life.

"Why not?" I started with, choosing my words carefully. "It's hard to lug a huge kit of makeup. Plus this shows my creativeness."

She nodded, listening to every word I was saying.
"Nice, that's a good idea, maybe I'll try it. I have tons of makeup I don't even wear and yet bring to school." She replied, giving me a small smile.

"You only need to bring the basics, right?" I said, giggling.

"Yeah!" She joined in my laughter. Her clíque looked like robots behind her, showing no expression, which was, what I suppose, weird.

I finished up and looked at my watch.
10 minutes left.
"Gotta go, I'll see you around!" I waved, exiting the restrooms.
I heard a faint 'See ya'.

Oh jeez, oh my goodness, I need to tell Liz, I need to tell Jackie.....


Okay, okay, I just need to calm down.
I just had a normal conversation with one of the most popular girls in school. I guess she wasn't the one who wrote that note, because, again, I just had a normal conversation with the lady.

And I think, I think, I just might not be a Weirdo after all.

20th chapter! Whooohooooo! Only 32 chappies to go!!!
Okay, since emmaniqua sent me that book cover, I was willed to write this short chapter...
Next chapter will possibly- KEY WORD possibly- have a max of 5,000 words... thanks to everyone who's read, and I'll update some of my other books soon!

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