break down

31 3 0

6 Months later

Crystals POV:

I walk down the schools hallways listening to all the people that dont seem to have a life. not that i have one either, being mute does that to you.

I enter my class room, like always, i rush to the corner desk by a window away from everone. i look in my bag looking for some sort of book i know i have somewhere. when i look back up see a guy, one that ive never seen before sitting beside me. i give him a questioning look. He just shrugs likes it no big deal


"Hey, Im Adrian," he sticks out his hand, i look at it and turn away.

He huffs and mutters, "not giving up"

i groan, new kid abviously doesnt get that fact i dont talk anymore. its not his fault, he doesnt know but still i dont wanna talk to anyone, or him. he may be attractive but that doesn't change anything.

Kelly, the towns slut, or from what i hear, walks up to us, well adrian. "Hey pretty boy, wanna come sit with us instead of the loner girl who cant walk or talk properly anymore," she leans over and whispers acting like i cant hear, "she doesnt deserve friends anymore, i mean she killed her parents and sister, only has problems with walking. i mean like how does that happen?." she speaks louder now, "Freak! anywhoo, watcha say? ditch her for meh?"

I cant take this anymore. i stuff my book inside my bag, and walk out of the classroom before i could hear anymore. i may not say it, but that really hurt.

i run the oppisite side of the schook, trying extremely hard to keep my tears back. knocking people oout of the way. some getting mad but the other just say 'poor girl' or 'i feel sorry for her'

i reach one of the numerous exits of the school and quickly rush out to find a picnic table. i throw my bag down violently. I pick up the nearst thing which was a rock, and using all my strength i through it. I repeated this process for about 15 minutes. i finially cant take it anymore and fall to the ground crying my eyes out. Mad at my self, knowing that kellys right. Its all my fault. i should have paid better attention to the road. i should have seen the car coming. i coulf have saved my family. the only people who could get me through any of this are dead. ands all my fault

thinking this only causes my sobs to get louder. i look up to the sky and start screaming. screaming so loud that it surprised me noone came to enfesticate, but im glad. i just want be alone.

"WWWWWWHHHHHHHYYYYYYY!!!!!!" im now choking on my sobs struggling to sit properly. one hand cluching my chest, the other on the ground trying to give me much support as possible.

everything is getting disy from the lack of oxygen im getting. i try to even out my breathing as best as i can. once i can breath better i grab my mangled bag, reaching in and grabbing my car keys.

i stand up whiping my face; although i know its red and swolen from all the crying. but right now i dont care i just wanna go home.i walk across the parking lot to where my car is. holding my keys, trying so hard to to get the key in the lock but my hands are shaking to the point where its impossibe. im getting irritated, but before i think it could get worse i drop them and the end up under my car. Again im breaking down and i just fall to the ground bringing my knees could be used to prop my elbows on. i put my hands on my forhead crying again. i havent cryed for 5 months and right now thats all i seem i can do.

thinking back to when my parents were alive. both so loving, funny as hell. when my sister was alive, cheerful and hapyy. jumping around excited about everything, even about the dumest things.


"CRYTAL!!! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!!! Were going shopping!!" my crazy sister yells at me

"All you do is shop! you have enough clothes! i dont wanna go!"


"Watch you mouth young lady! you may be 18 but i will still wash your mouth out with soap!" my fathers voice booms through out the house.

"Tell Crystal to go shopping with me!" sophie yelles even louder causing me to cover my ears.

"Crystal go shopping with your sister so she'll stop yelling!"

Ugh! she gets whatever she wants. i grudenly put on my jacket and convers and walk downstairs as slowly as i can just irritate her. it seemed to work because shes at the bottom of the stairs glaring at me while tapping her foot.

"Ugh! im coming! stop doing that you look like mother!"

Opps shouldnt have said that i really hope she didnt hear me.

"YAY!!" she claps her hands together like i five year jumping up and down like she had to pee really bad. i look at her with an amused smile on my face. she can really be annoying but i love her no matter what. were exact oppisites but thats what makes us get along so well. we equal each other out.

we walk out out the door with her blabing her mouth, with me not listening to a word shes saying. with both us smiling.

*Flashhback over*

I've finially calmed down some, i get on my belly and begin feeling around from my keys. moving my hand around like im a monkey reaching for a banana. once 5 minutes pass by i FINIALY find them. i quickly unlock my car and i drive home.

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