Loved Healed Me

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Okay this is my fist story, and this is not edited so please dont tell me about my misteaks. I will edited eventually. Just give me some time.

But I would like other feed back from who ever reads this book.

I'm accually really excited to finially able to grow enough courage to post a book...and yes I'm a bad speller.

Crystals POV:

'Shit! I hurt' I feel something sqeeze my hand as I begin to wake up.

"Come on. You can to it! wake up! I wanna see your beautiful eyes!" That voice is so fimilar, I just cant remember who it belongs too.

I'm finialy able to open my eyes, and I see my aunt Natalie, "Oh my baby!! I never thought I would see you again, I-I-I waa-waass so w-worried!"

Why is she crying?

I take a good look at where I'm at, surprised to see my self in the hospital. What happened?


"Yes my little june bug?"

"Why am I in the hosptial? wheres mom and dad?"

She breaks down crying, to the point where she chokes on her own sobs. This is where I begin to worry.

"A-A-Aunnttie?" I studder out.

That moment, that exact moment is when all the memories come flooding back. Everything. The car crash... The car crash that was caused by me. I was driving my mother, Father, and older sister Sophie to the lake. it was night time, one moment we were telling stories about when were little laughing having a good time, then another car   hit us head on because I wasnt paying enough attention to the road. I heard glass shattering. I remember screaming as all the feelings in my legs disapeared. I looked to my side to see my sisters face, but not the one I wanted to see the one I took my last glance at her, seeing she had a  had a huge piece of glass right in the middle of her face, her beautiful face covered in blood. I scream and scream trying my best not to to let thr darkness that is slowly clouding my vision, but when I look in the back seat the blood bath wasn't any better back there. I dont think I've been so scared in my life before. I hear sirens, the last sound I heard before I allowed darkness to take over. As I let the memory finish I'm now full out crying, praying, for them to be alive.

I hurried and glanced at my legs.

I cant feel them.

"AUNTIE?! Oh my good!!! AUNTIE!"

Im full out sobbing, shes looks at me sympatheticly, "Im so sorry hunny. No one else made it besides you."

I lost my mom, my dad, and my sister. I dont know if I can make it through this knowing it was my fault.

"Will I beable to walk again?" I hardly whisper out.

"w-we dont know yet."

A man in a white comes in the room, which I'm guessing is the doctor, looks at a clip board. "Oh Ms.Hennings, I didnt expect u awake so soon, hhmm But anyhow how are you feeling? any discomfort anywhere?"

"besides the fact I just learned I lost my sister and both my parents, and that I cant feel my legs I'm emotionally destroyed. "

He walks over and touches my toes from what I see.

" you cant feel this at all? Concentrate really hard"

i close my eyes and try to feel anything, after a few minutes i feel it, "Yes"

"you see, when you got in the crash your lower back got severely injured, causing your lower half to stop working, when you first arivied here, we had to do surgery to relieve some of the presure from swelling."

"How long have i been here?"

"Eight months, youve been in a coma." he answered "I know this is a lot to take in, I'm going to ask you a few questions to make sure you don't have any brain damage."

After he asked me super simple questions, he checked my vitals and when he was about to leave i asked if i was ever going to walk again.

"yes youll be able to walk again. i will take a long time and it will be very stressful, but I'm sure you can get through it!"


Its been a month. Nine months since i lost my parents. One month since i spoken to ANYONE. I moved to colorado with my Aunt Nat. I lost all contact with my friends in Kentucky.  Ive decided i dont want to go to school until im able to walk fully again im almost there though. My physical therapist said ill be on my feet fully in 5 more months. im taking online school because i refuse to talk to anyone. When the doctor said it was a long process He wasnt kiding, i dont think ive been in to much pain in my entier life, I can hardly stand up completely on my own. its just too must for a 17 year old girl to handle right now.

Most days i sit in my room away from any kind of happiness. I dont think i deserve it. i was the one who killed my family.

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