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Equality, when in love

Is nothing but a myth

One is more important

One is forgotten

But which am I?

How do I fit?

Am I even in this puzzle?

Is what's being said true?

You say you want this

But then you want her

I understand love

But how can you forget

Forget the one who craves you

Forget the one who saved you

Forget the one who has never left

Forget the girl so utterly in love

She won't stand against you

She never truly fights you

She does everything for you

She thinks almost only of you

I kiss you, you smile

She kisses you, you gleam with radiance

I hold you, you sigh

She holds you, you burrow in and murmur

Sweet nothings

I will be there

I love you

You're the one

We're forever

But are we?

This isn't how it should go

it shouldn't be like this

It's turned around, mixed up

Mixed up

Like my emotions

Like my soul

Like my mind

And like my body

My body

Is that what you want?

My meager offerings of hips

And a semblance of curve

The touch of my hand?

Or is it my mind you crave?

My intelligence

THe light behind my eyes

And the wit of my mouth

My mouth

Says only sweet things

It could be cruel, hard

Speak words of hurt and pain

But no, they are soft words

Soft words

Are only what I speak

My lips move, but no true

Emotion emerges

I put on a show

Only for you eyes to see

I dance and spin

And weave and dodge

My mouth speaks lies

While my actions are truth

Please don't forget me

For if you do

I will dance until

The end nigh

This one is a bit old... a couple weeks? A month? Not sure exactly.

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