Questions and explanations

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I haven't been active in a long time and I apologise. But it's a new year and I wanna start fresh.

So I figured the best way I could get back into poems is by publishing something that isn't poems. I want honest opinions and advice; most of these were written in a rush.


Everyday I see her
Holding him as she held me
Whispering the same sweet nothings
That mean nothing more to me
She took me and  she moved on
I thought I was special
Thought she was the one for me

I fell for her and she caught me
And then she let me go
So I'm still falling for her
But now I can't be slowed

Every step she walks with him
Steps upon my heart
And breaks it just a little more
And increases my hurt

My ears still believe her lies
Even though I now know
Just how false they are
But I can't let her go

Getting lost in her eyes
Feels like trespassing
She's so very special
My feelings are massing

And I fell for her and she caught me
And then she let me go
So I'm still falling for her
But now I can't be slowed
She took me and  she moved on
I thought I was special
Thought she was the one for me

And I wish I could hate her
I wish I could
But I can't
I still want her

And then she let me go
So I'm still falling for her
But now I can't be slowed
She took me and  she moved on
I thought I was special
Thought she was the one for me


I just feel so confused
I don't know what to do
I don't know who to ask
These million questions
I don't know what to choose

A silent cry for help
While I'm screaming at myself
I just don't understand
I need a helping hand

I don't know what to choose
Will I win or will I lose
So many problems
But I can't solve them
All this outside assistance
And I can't go the distance
*end of chorus*

When life becomes this confusing
Am I being used or using
Is this what I want
Is this what I need
Is that all there is for me
Or Is there some other way

I try wrestling these thoughts to submission
But I can't just rely on intuition
I need help
From someone else
By no one else can help me

I don't know what to choose
Will I win or will I lose
So many problems
But I can't solve them
All this outside assistance
And I can't go the distance

I don't know what to choose
Will I win or will I lose
So many problems
But I can't solve them
All this outside assistance
And I can't go the distance

Nobody can help me
Nobody can help me
Nobody can help me

Oh Won't some one please help me

The bad guy in your own story

Stood alone with the world turned against you
They've got their reasons and you've got no one to run to
All these problems have your back against the wall
And the worse part is that you know it's all your fault

It really hurts to be the bad guy in your own story
To make the fall to hatred from glory
Yourself, the one hero you could always rely on
Yourself who's heroics have all gone

You can't fight back cause you don't support yourself
But you've gotta fight through this living hell
You gotta stay strong or your world will crumble
But the walls around you have turned to rubble

It really hurts to be the bad guy in your own story
To make the fall to hatred from glory
Yourself, the one hero you could always rely on
Yourself who's heroics have all gone

There might be light at the end of the tunnel
But you gotta get there in the dark
And at some point you'll have to jump
Just pray you don't hit the ground hard

It really hurts to be the bad guy in your own story
To make the fall to hatred from glory
Yourself, the one hero you could always rely on
Yourself who's heroics have all gone

Thanks and sorry again,

Also on the off chance someone reads this, comment themes or ideas for me to write about,

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