“I’m gonna kill all three of you!” Derek yelled as we walked back to the parking lot. “Are you trying to track the entire state to the school?!”

                “Sorry… I didn’t know it would be that loud…” Scott said.

                “Yeah, and it was awesome!” Stiles exclaimed.

                “Shut up.” Derek said.

                “Don’t be such a sour wolf.” I looked ahead and saw red eyes in the distance. I grabbed Stiles arm. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

                “Is Dr. Deaton in the car?!” I asked not tearing my eyes from this creature’s eyes.

                “No… what’d you do with him?” Scott asked Derek. A big, wolf-like creature jumped out of the bushes and started charging at us. My heart started beating faster and faster.

                “Derek look out!”  I yelled. But it was too late; the werewolf which I guessed was the alpha dug his claws into Derek’s back and lifted him off the ground. I opened my mouth to scream, but nothing came out. Stiles grabbed my hand

“C’mon Brittany!” he yelled. I grabbed his hand harder and we charged into the school. Before we got into the school I looked back, the alpha threw Derek against the brick wall. Scott and Stiles slammed the doors shut and ducked. I sat in the middle of the doors to try to keep the alpha out.

                “Lock it!” Scott screamed.

                “Do I look like I have a key?!” Stiles yelled back.

                “Get something to lock it!” Stiles stood up and looked outside. I stood up and looked too. The pair of pliers was lying on the ground a few feet away. I looked at Stiles nervously. “Stiles, no!” Scott yelled.

                “Yes.” I grabbed Stiles by the arm and turned him towards me. I started to get tears in my eyes. I couldn’t have another person die, not like this.

“Stiles… no. Please don’t,” I said the tears streaming down my face. He grabbed my hand.

                “Hey, I’ll be right back, don’t worry. I promise, I’ll be back inside before you know it.” That lump in your throat you get when you cry, just got as big as a tomato.

                “Stiles, please.” But it was too late, he let go and ran outside. Scott pulled me into an embrace.

“I can’t watch,” I said as I buried my head into his chest. I felt Scott tense up. I pulled away and looked out the window. The alpha came out from hiding behind Stiles’ jeep. He stared at Stiles before charging at him. Scott and I began to bang on the door as loud as we could. “Stiles! Stiles!! Hurry!!” We both yelled. Stiles grabbed the pliers and ran back to the door. When he got back inside he put the pliers in the door so it was semi-locked. We stood back from the door. I grabbed the flashlight from the ground and looked outside for the alpha.

                “That’s not gonna hold, is it,” Scott said. Stiles shook his head. Simultaneously, we all ran in the same direction down the dark hallway. We all ran into our history room, and started to push the desk to hold the door closed.

“Wait,” Stiles said putting his arm up. “The doors not gonna keep it out,” Stiles said.

                “We know that but it will give us some time!” I exclaimed.

                “Deaton is the alpha.”

                “What?!” Scott said. I had to agree with Stiles, the evidence was there. He wasn’t in the car when the alpha showed up. “It can’t be!”

                “Sorry, Scott. But I think Deaton is the psycho werewolf,” I said. Scott shook his head in disbelief.

                “He killed Derek!” Stiles said.

                “Derek can’t be dead!” Scott exclaimed letting go of the desk.

                “He threw him 20 feet in the air!” Stiles yelled back. Scott still shook his head in disbelief. “The blood spurting out of his mouth doesn’t exactly qualify as a minor injury!” Stiles yelled. I shushed them.

                “Okay, let’s just find out how to get out of here before we are dead!” I whisper-yelled. “All we have to do is get back to your jeep,” I said motioning to Stiles. “And then we’re out of here and then I’m quitting my job.” We all stepped away from the desk and to the window to look at Stiles’ jeep. Scott tried to open the window so we could run out it, but Stiles stopped him.

                “There’s an alarm system on them,” Stiles said. I looked over at his jeep; there was a huge dent on the front of it.

                “What happened to your jeep?” I asked him. Stiles looked over.

                “What the hell-” All of a sudden, I felt a pain in my head and glass was everywhere. Stiles put his body over me protectively as we ducked down onto the floor. He got off me and sat down. There was Stiles’ battery from his jeep on the other side of the room. “That’s my battery!” Stiles said as he got up to go get it. Scott and I pulled him down.

                “He could be right outside!” Scott said. I winced as the pain in the back of my head worsened. I lifted my hand to the back of my head. I felt liquid. I looked at my hand and there was blood all over it.

                “I think the battery hit my head and opened up my wound that was already there from before…” I said as I got lightheaded. Stiles looked over at me worriedly.

                “What?! Oh, nonono not right now!” Stiles said as he grabbed me before I fell to the ground. I started seeing spots again.

                “Get me water, candy, anything…” I said as my eyes began to droop close. I felt a tissue on my neck; Scott was trying to stop the bleeding.

“That stupid bastard…” I heard Stiles say under his breath as I laid on him. “We’ve gotta move now, or he’s gonna get us,” Stiles stated. “Brittany, can you get up?” I nodded and started to stand before they could help me. My legs we like noodles, and like before, all I saw was darkness.

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