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Sarutobi's POV

"Who awe you", naruto asked his voice cracking painfully as he kept his eyes staring at the floor

"I'm the hokage the leader of the village"

"W-whats a h-hokage are you h-here t-to h-hu-huwt me too " he dropped don't at me feet" i-i'm sowwy hokage-sama please don't kill me."

"I'm weally sowwy I'm bad I'm bad I'm weally weally bad."

Naruto its okay and your not bad its okay I whispered gently. But he simply would calm down he would stop shaking and his breathing was picking up to a very inconsistent pattern.

"Kakashi "I yelled and he carefully gave naruto something to make him stop shaking

"What was that ,that you gave him"

" a little bit of morphine in small doses it can act as a calming agent,what I'm scared of that its usually used on PTSD patients like retired ninja usually h-how did naru... NO HOW DID MY LITTLE BROTHER GET THIS!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Kakashi calm down I told him, right now the first priority is Naruto right now OK , so calm down. Take him to the hospital now OK."

"Fine", he grumbled "But when I get back there'll be hell to pay."

he carefully scoped Naruto delicate frame in his hands

And he quickly sped off the hospital in a flurry of leaves. Now it was time for me too deal with the owner of the orphanage.

"Excuse me" I said my voice covered in disdain how did Naruto get like this.

"U-um w-w-well its actually a long story um-"

I cut her off, "Kami help you woman if you don't explain to me why a six here old child in such a condition at your orphanage you will be set to the TI unit quickly and quietly and no one I mean on one will here from you again."

When the matron heard this I'm afraid she snapped or lost her cool you could say as she yelled

" The demon deserved everything it got it tricking you hokage-sama trying to fool everyone in this village that its human." She took a breath

"I'm the only one that sees it's true colored me so that animal gets what it gets it deserves to sleep in a cage to starve to death it destroyed this village its a murder I'm doing you and the village a favor but your all to much of coward to except it." She finished a crazed look in her eye.

Matrons POV (didn't expect this did you)

'Oh shit I just revealed everything to hokage-sama I'm as good as dead but maybe he sees it my way I mean I was just giving the demon what it deserved it killed my husband and child and it had the nerve to show up here.' She thought

' maybe the hokage will see it my way I mean he's been quite for a while maybe he's thinking it through.'

Then suddenly hokage-sama spoke" take this thing away I can bare to look at it any longer." And the anbu dragged me away
Sarutobis POV

"No,No!!! you can't do this it deserved it I should be as hero me me no No I regret nothing you here nothing the demon deserved it." And that was the last thing she said as the anbu took her away

Tch... I had a migraine how had this happened to Naruto he didn't deserve this he deserved to be treated like a hero.

Oh Minato and Kushina please forgive I never thought this would happen

Then I sped off I needed to see if naruto was okay.

A.N well that's the chapter everyone I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while I've been writing my other story you don't know me I didn't abandon this story I've just been so busy with school and everyone pressuring me to update all my stories but I'll try my best to update all my stories more frequently sorry doe the wait and bye -Resonance 15 ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2016 ⏰

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