alligator (29)

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Should I stop doing animals as chapter titles / change them all ?

phil stared at dan.
the brown haired boy had lunged at him, and sobbed into his chest, crying out loudly.
"dan..." phil's heart broke.
"phil," pj's voice was urgent, "we should get out of here before—"
phil froze; dan clutched phil tightly.
there were slow, loud footsteps.
chris stopped breathing.
pj's hands shook.
dan cried quietly.
phil's blood ran cold.
"dannieellll...come out come out wherever you are..."
chris swore.
the footsteps were echoing along the hallway; they were coming closer and closer.
phil wrapped his arms around dan protectively; the younger boy was trembling.
the man stood before them, and though the light was dim, this time phil could make out his face.
he had brown hair and brown eyes and was very tall.
it had to be dan's dad; they looked so alike.
in his big, beefy hand, he held a baseball bat.
he grinned, "found you."

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