elephant (23)

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the house looked normal.
it was small and cosy looking, with all the lights on and shining pleasantly through the windows.
phil stared at pj dubiously.
"are you sure this is the place?" he asked.
pj looked down at the phone and frowned, "certain".
"right then," chris said, cracking his knuckles, "let's get down to business."
phil nodded, "we'll split up; if we find anything, we'll text"
the others nodded in agreement and they walked cautiously towards the door.
chris rolled up his sleeves, "looks like we'll have to break it down-"
"or-" pj interjected, putting his hand on the doorknob and turning it; the door swung open, "you could just try the handle."
"you're so boring," chris huffed.
phil stepped in the freshhold, "guys, let's go".


pj walked up the stairs while phil and chris searched downstairs; chris taking the left hallway and phil heading straight on.
the house didn't look so good on the inside: the lamp light showed stains on the walls.
stains that looked uncomfortably like blood and alcohol.
the wallpaper was clearly old and peeling off in places.
the carpet was pulled up at the corners.
phil was struggling to breathe.
he knew dan was in this house, and so were his abusers.
he felt that he was breathing too loud, then remembered he wasn't breathing at all.
his footsteps were creaking on the floor boards; at every step he took, he was sure someone was going to burst through a door and find him.
i will not be afraid
phil stopped at a door with light oozing out from the gap.
he heard shouting and drunk yelling and pushed it open an inch to peer through.
what he wasn't expecting was the door to let out a loud cccrrreeeeeaaaaAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKKKK
whe noise inside the room stopped.
he heard footsteps coming closer and questioning voices.
but he couldn't.
but he didn't.
the door was thrown open and the light blazed around a man, making him only a black silhouette against sparks of yellow and orange.
an arm sized phil's shoulder hard and he yelled out in pain.
the mans face was very close to his, he could smell alcohol and rot on his breath.
"now," the man drawled, "what have we got here then?"
"i-i'm sorry-" phil couldn't think, his brain was melting inside his head, "i thought this house was empty and-"
phil was knocked off his feet.
he felt blood trickle down his temple and heard a ringing sound in his ears.
the man smirked and raised a fist
phil braced himself for impact.

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