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If you have watched Tokyo Ghoul, then you should probably be okay with this. Just know that it's kind of gory and I had to go to my nut job friend for torture ideas. You can skip this chapter if you want and I'll provide a basic summary of what happened. Please don't comment any crap.

Love you guys!!


A burning sensation is slowly growing on my calf.

I open my eyes but only see blackness. Then the burning turns to unbearable pain.

I scream loudly and try to move, but I'm shackled to a chair.

"Ah, you're awake. I wanted to see how much pain it takes to wake a person. And I must say, it took a lot. I think your calf is just bone right now. But it'll grow back, don't worry." The man from earlier says

The blindfold in my face becomes wet with tears. What did he do when I was asleep?

"Flailing around is useless." He says coldly. "It's just a waste of energy and it will only hurt you more."

I lean my head against the back of the chair, gasping for air.

"I suppose we should exchange names, considering I am one of the last people you will have the pleasure of meeting. My name is Sasabe." He says

"And I already know your name, Kat." He continues

"Well. This has been fun, but I have business elsewhere. I'll send in your caretakers to clean this place up." I listen as he walks out the room

The pain in my leg hurts so bad. I can't concentrate on how bad my situation is right now.

After a few minutes, a pair of footsteps enter the room.

Someone begins to hum.

"Hi there!" Says a girl who sounds like she is in her early twenties

"I'm Haruka, and this is my boyfriend Kyo. We'll be taking care of you." She continues

Kyo takes off my blindfold. I look around the room, avoiding looking down at my leg.

The room is a sterile white, with bright lighting. Lexi would love the lighting...

There isn't much in the room except for a thin mattress with a nightstand and a toilet, which means they must be planning on keeping me here for a while.

There is a drain placed a few feet away from my chair.

"Do you think we should disinfect it?" Haruka whispers to Kyo

"Not until she's asleep." Kyo responds. "I don't think she can take any more pain."

Haruka nods solemnly.

"The bed is over there!" She says cheerfully, as she unshackles me

I look at the bed with uncertainty. I don't want to try walking.

"I can carry you." Kyo says as he gingerly picks me up

He puts the blindfold in my mouth to use as a gag.

"I don't want to drop you." He says

I squeeze my eyes shut and wait for him to set me down.

I look at him as he puts the blanket across my middle.

I stare at him in horror. His white shirt and dark skinny jeans are soaked with blood. My blood.

"I think it'd be smarter if you look at it after we go..." Haruka says quietly

A Twisted WorldOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora