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~Atemu's POV~

I woke up it some strange room. I tried to remember the last thing that happened.

The weird hand ship landed on the beach... Bakura blasted us with the gem dis-ableizer.


I checked my future vision. NO it's gone! I can't see anything!

I hit the walls as hard as I could. NO no, no no no no. I can't be alone. I have to find Yugi! He's all alone here, I have to get to him.

I hit my head against the wall.

"Damn." I cursed.

Wait a minute. I looked off to the side of my cell and noticed that there was no door. I tried to run out but I was stopped by a strong shock that threw my body back against the wall.

I groaned in pain. So this is another one of homeworld's new technology. It's been thousands of years since I last saw my gem homeworld. Surely this is not the only one of their new inventions.

I looked down at the ruby on the inside my hand. I was okay as long as nothing happen to my gem. leaned on the wall and slowly went down it until I was sitting on the floor.

The thought of never seeing Yugi again came across my mind. What if they had already broken him. Shattered his gem into pieces while we were un-fused, while I was stuck here in this cell for Ra knows how long.

"Hello... are you okay?"

I jumped when I heard the child-like voice outside the barrier.

It was Mokuba. He's never seen me when I wasn't Yami. Great he probably doesn't know who I even am. I hit the side of my cell again in anger.

"Great this is just perfect!"

"Uh... do you need any help?" Mokuba asked.

"NO, I mean- don't look at me! Just go away!" I turned away. I didn't want him seeing me in this form. I need to get back to Yugi as soon as possible.

"Wha." Mokuba sighed and started to walk away.

Wait a minute. He got out somehow, he could get me out then!"

"Hey wait! Your out! How did you get past the field?" I asked

"Oh I just kind of..." Mokuba trailed off and put his hand closer to the barrier.

What was he thinking!

"WAIT! NO no no no wait!" I tried to stop him but her managed to put his hand threw it without being zapped. Not only that but he put a gap between the field!

"It's... okay?" I said and I tried to do it but my fingers got zapped.

I cried out in pain and shook my hand frantically. "What's going on?"

Then I heard it. Yugi's voice singing, echoing in the halls of the ship. I gasped and looked around trying to pinpoint the source of the beautiful voice.

"Somebodies singing..." Mokuba said in awe.

"Yugi..." he was alive, I was so happy. Now all I needed to do was find him.

"Let me out of here! Please I need to find Yugi!" I shouted desperately.

"Is he your friend?" Mokuba asked "Cause I'm looking for my friends to!"

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