“Heather its fine.” Aria smiles. “I want say anything. I wish for us to be friends. I rarely have anyone to talk to and you’re around my age just younger.”

Heather giggles and then grins, “Aria I’m really forty-five.” Heather then blushes. “I hope that does not change anything.”

“No.” Aria waves her hand. “It’s okay. So are you going to eat?” She then moans. “This is really good.”

Heather grins and then makes herself a plate. She sits next to Aria and they talk about everything.


Amelia was upstairs in her study going over paper work. For two weeks now she had to catch up because of the days she was gone. She heard the crime rate had gone up and a lot of vampires were trying to enter England. Amelia didn’t have the money to hired more policemen and firemen. The more people meant more money. For some reason the only safe places to stay were England which was her territory, South America which belong to William, and lastly Russia which was all Helens. Even though she didn’t like the flirting bitch, she still had a heart.

However, Hang was ruthless and selfish over in Japan and Michael wasn’t any different in Africa. The continents were different now. America was still in North America but since the war they had to expand it because all the humans went to stay there. So Canada, America, Mexico and all the others were the U.S.A.

Amelia sighs and then goes over the taxes and such. She was tired and needed a release. She gets up and then heads downstairs to see Aria talking away with the cook.

“I see you have made it back Heather.” Amelia says making herself known.

Heather immediately stands. “Yes.”

Amelia comes and sits next to Aria and then orders, “The usual.”

“Yes Your Majesty.”

“Good Morning Aria.”

“Hey.” Aria begins to poke at her left over eggs. Amelia rolls her eyes. They eat in silence and Heather leaves the kitchen.

Amelia grabs Aria thigh and then turns the human towards her. She connects their lips together and begins to kiss the human. She inhales her scent and then breaths, “I’ve missed you.”

Aria kisses back but she shuts her eyes tight and doesn’t respond. She still felt guilty about loving Amelia touches. Amelia senses this and then pulls away with anger. “What the hell is up with you!”

“I don’t want to.” Aria snaps back. “But I’m pretty sure it doesn’t matter right? You’re still going to take what you want.”

Amelia growls and then lifts Aria on the island and rips her panties off making the human shudder. “You want this! You want me!”

“I hate this and I hate you !” Aria replies back with venom. “I hate being with you Amelia.”

Amelia steps back and sneers. Aria flinches because she knew the Queen was pissed off and she seem frustrated. Her usually bright golden eyes were darker and her hair wasn’t as shiny. She hated she paid this much attention to the vampire but when you live with someone you begin to notice things. “Fine.” The vampire spits and then leaves the kitchen. Aria sits on the island surprised.

The next few days Aria didn’t see Amelia at all. She was beginning to worry.

“What’s up?” Heather asks.

“I know I say how much I don’t want to be here and how much I loathe the vampire but she hasn’t been around.” Aria explains. “I’m not use to that.”

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