When He Keeps Thinking About You: Batman

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The dark knight of Gotham was prowling through the night keeping a keen eye out for any trouble happening.

Nothing was happening tonight it was pretty calm and civil. Which wasn't something the Bat always enjoyed. He liked some action, it took his mind of matters and current problems. It was like an escape from the real world. And right now all he had on his mind...was you.

"Cmon Bruce you can't let this girl overrun your mind." He talked to himself. "Why is she even in my mind this much? I've saved heaps of girls before, why is this one different?" He continued.

"Maybe it's her (h/l) (h/c) hair. Or her tall figure. Maybe even her bubbly, curious, adventurous, perhaps mischievous personality." Now he was just rambling to himself. "Ugh! Listen to yourself! You sound like some petty teenage boy daydreaming over a girl." He argued with himself.

He grappled to the next rooftop, praying for a robbery, a car theft. . .ANYTHING!

But there was nothing he sighed in disappointment and gave in to thinking about you.

"Something about her, her curiosity maybe. Perhaps it's the fact she has horrible abusive parents leaving her to almost grow up without parents, as I did." He pondered to himself.

"Ugh Bruce just go see her again." He gave in and pulled out his high tech gadget that counted as a phone. He texted you.

'Hey u wanna idk meet one night or something?' He texted.

It took awhile but he got a reply.

'I'd love to!! I've got something on tomoz night so how's about in 2 nights?' You offered.

'I can do 2 nights from now.' He replied.

'Awesome! C u then!' You finished.

He tucked his gadget into his utility belt and prowled through the city for the rest of the night. Content with the fact he's arranged a meet up with you.

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